Calling 2018 a “New Year” stamps it with an expiration date.

What happens when a New Year stops being new? When it stops being fresh, sticks to your gums, and starts growing little flakes of mold around the edges? There aren’t many guarantees in life, but everything new becomes old, and starting our journey through the next 365-day block of time with a word that will eventually rot and stink sounds like poor planning.

2018 is simply a click past 2017, a reminder that 3,650 hours of work can also be described with only a “1”. One year has gone by, one week, one day, one minute, one second at a time.

And one more year is on its way.

Any amount of time can be boiled down to now, which means that today being a Thursday contains the same amount of opportunity as 2018, making now as good of a time to start as any.

You can read the first “Riff on a New Year” by clicking here. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for more posts like this one, and to hear the stories of businesses making things happen.