Solar-based Quantum Energy Systems [1/2]

“Sunny Side Up” Quantum Computer

Photovoltaic Quantum Hardware

Okezue Bell
The Startup


What if we could create even more efficient quantum systems? Like make solar powered quantum computers? What if we could use new linear optic systems to create even more efficient quantum hardware, so that we could reduce costs and begin faster industrialization. Well, we can, and today, I’m going to be showing you how I figured this out. I hope you enjoy my project!

Credit: Rigetti (converted to GIF)

Hardware Brush Up

Skip over this section if you’ve read my articles before!

  • The golden rings are known as the quantum computer skeleton. They represent different segmentations of cold that go all the way to close to absolute 0 (0 K) ~15 mK
  • The side cables are called the nerves. They carry the photons through the quantum computer for signal processing.
  • The inner pole is the heart, where central cooling of physical qubits occur
  • Top tube is the shells, which eliminate thermal fluctuations
  • The bottom is the brain, or the QPU, which is a copper-gold-silicon disk that does all of the quantum computing power, and is held inside of a cryoperm shield which stops exposure to electromagnetic radiation

Processing Brush Up

Credit: Google Images (GIF)

This is a qubit, the fundamental unit of information for a quantum computer.

Instead of existing in a classical value like a normal computer’s bit (where it’s 0 or 1), it is in a state of quantum coherence, where its in superposition, meaning its in both 0 and 1, or neither — an outcome which isn’t even possible on a classical computer.

Credit: Kurzgesagt (converted to GIF)

However, quantum decoherence occurs whenever a quantum bit is exposed to any sort of disruption, including temperature changes, vibration, light, etc. This is the main problem with our current quantum hardware. However, we induce quantum decoherence to get an answer out of a quantum computer by introducing it to a bias, such as a controlled magnetic field that hits the qubit and causes it to collapse into a classical state.

Aside from superposition, there are two main other quantum phenomenon that are qubit characteristics: tunneling and entanglement. 🤯


Credit: Kurzgesagt (converted to GIF)

Put simply, quantum entanglement is a property of qubits that when they are placed in a spatial proximity for a certain period of time, their quantum states start to become indistinguishable. This now means that whenever one qubit is affected or changed, the other will be too in some predictable way. As shown in the photos, this essentially means that when the one qubit assumes a classical value, the other will too. This type of relationship between qubits is inseparable, and the bond will remain no matter how far apart or differently oriented the entangled qubits are.


Credit: Kurzgesagt (converted to GIF)

Woah!!! What did that electron just do?!??! Well this is another quantum phenomena called quantum tunneling. Quantum tunneling basically determines the ability for quantum computers to solve problems that classical computers physically can’t. This is becuase electrons can’t move through a barrier whose gravitational potential is higher than their initial kinetic energy, so they’ll just bonk off the barrier and stop trying. However, quantum tunneling means that a free quantum particle can just propogate directly though the barrier with no issues, essentially solving the problem.

Enough review, let’s get into the fun stuff 🎉!

Photovoltaics ☀️💡

If you’ve ever heard of solar energy, then you’ve heard of the field

, which describes the means in which photovoltaic-effect exhibiting materials like crystalline silicon can convert light into usable electric energy. However, the reason photovoltaics isn’t just called solar power is becuase

  1. it doesn’t always have to be the sun that we’re referring to
  2. photovoltaics have so many uses beyond the conventional idea of harnessing it to power different things

In fact, photovoltaics and quantum computing have quite a few interesting intersections, including one that I have created in this research project.

Photovoltaic Effect

Let’s just quickly discuss the photovoltaic effect:

  1. It occurs within semiconductors, materials that can pass energy through them with minimal electric resistance, meaning that they do not leave behind much energy, as opposed to superconductors, which are capable of doing this completely without any electrical resistance
  2. Superconductors are currently the basis of quantum computing due to their minimization of energy release, and their increased efficiency of energy absorption retention
  3. The photovoltaic effect describes the over generation of electric potential difference (voltage) when a material is exposed to ligh. This exposure to light, when receiving ultraviolet energy from the sun is called solar effect or solar energy
  4. Essentially, photons smack electrons and make them free particles, which creates an electric current; these tiny units are called photovoltaic (or solar) cells
  5. This effect is related closely to the photoelectric effect, which postulates that a material releases electrons when exposed to light. [electrons emitted are called photoelectrons] The two essentially work in tandem

Now we can talk about

Quantum dots are a technology that are revolutionizing the way we think about solar energy (and in this proposition, quantum computing).

  • Quantum dots are an additional quantum buzzword. However, they’re relatively simple. Quantum dots essentially exhibit special properties due to them being nanoscale crystal with unique quantum mechanical processes
  • What the above means is that they’re really tiny, and super special
  • Basically, quantum dots are solar powered, as they respond to ultraviolet light
  • With semiconducting along with some electrokinetics (movement of electrons), we find that quantum dots illuminate specific colors of light (based on their material) when exposed to UV light
  • In addition, quantum dots have a dramatic increase in efficiency for solar energy harnessing, as opposed to our currently used crystalline silicon solar cells
  • They can more than double efficiency because of their ability to generate (remember, not create) more than one exciton — a single-bound electron hole pair — per photon capture.

Ok! We’ve finished all of the need to knows. Let’s get into the content of this project! If you want/need more information, or a crash course, check this out:

Utilizing Solar Energy for Quantum Computing Crash Course!

So now, let’s start getting into the nitty gritty of the problem that utilizing photovoltaics in quantum computing systems.

There’s a huge problem called

Quantum Decoherence

So think about how a car is a continuously depreciating asset. It basically means that the more we use it, the less value it has. Well, quantum bits are the exact same way. Quantum decoherence essentially states the same thing for the qubit quantum system, where the more a bias collapses it into a classical value, the shorter its quantum lifetime. Eventually, the qubit will collapse into a normal bit spontaneously, including during computation, causing large margins of error, and a lack of information or proper measuring capabilities.

So that begs the question: “can we make qubits stay quantum longer?”

A: Yes, we can, through more efficient hardware.

So this is a hardware problem that is occurring.

We can upgrade our quantum computing hardware using photovoltaic energy systems.

Initial Research

In a study, researchers were able to create a silicon-based materials that could induce photonic redshift in captured light particles. What this means is that when photons were exposed to this plasma device, they were capable of increasing the wavelength of photons (lowering their energy);

Blue wavelength is shorter, but higher energy because high frequency, as compared to red (Credit: UCAR)

solar energy conversion thus becomes more efficient, as silicon is able to better utilize and absorb the incoming light-based energy.

The Carbo-silicate cell device for photon conversion (Credit: UPI)
3D molecular structure — Carbon ring formation

The researchers who developed the device used a material called anthracene. Anthracene is clearly an aromatic material, meaning it exhibits the ring structure (and more unique chemistry which we don’t need to get into….), due to it being made of the simplest aromatic compound, benzene.

2D bond and molecule outline diagram

By essentially being a tri-molecular benzene compound, anthracene looks much like a yellow-white glistening soot color. Anthracene can also condense into a deep purple crystalline coal material called anthracite coal, in part due to its carbon chemistry. Anthracene has the unique property that causes the redshift in photons, while the silicon has its photovoltaic properties that make the energy electronic.

Powder based (soot) material (left), antracite coal (right) — Credits: Wikimedia Commons (left), Fine Art America (right)

While superficially, it may seem silly to want to minimize the amount of energy in each photon that the silicon is absorbing (after all, aren’t we trying to increase the amount of energy we get? Well, yes…), we’re just breaking in down into smaller components that crystalline silicon can absorb, rather than having it try to absorb high energy in its raw form, like we see in our current solar panel models.

The study claimed that they had great control of how the anthracene reacted to specific wavelengths of light, even allowing for the conversion of 2 red photons into one blue, and of course, vise versa. In doing so, the researchers explained that they could fine tune quantum information storage, as well as accelerate photovoltaic solar energy without having to change from silicon nanocrystals to another material. The new plasma-harnessing machine presented a means for increasing sustainable efficiency, while we test and simulate new materials for solar panels.

However, there are many uses for this type of technology aside from just precision quantum information storage.

This is the premise of my research: a novel optics method that presents a new regime of quantum hardware for more efficient computation.

Essentially, “using light for quantum hardware to make quantum computing better overall”.

[Simple] Method Proposition

In contemporary society, we have a scope of quantum computing options

Credit: Visual Capitalist

, some of which are more light intensive hardware based (linear optics), and others which mainly concern the conductivity of material (superconducting). Even with companies now making a fully optimized complex photonic quantum computing system that allows for high level quantum computing and quantum machine learning, we are still unable reach a modicum of maximum quantum potential.

As it was aforementioned, quantum decoherence is the main reason behind this.

Hot Qubits 🥵 vs Cold Qubits 🥶

Very quickly, we must understand the hot qubit vs cold qubit methods.

  • Cold qubits are the typical ones quantum computers use — 0.15 miliKelvin, minimization of any thermal flux
  • Hot qubits (which are still cold; but hot for quantum) are a new method — 1.5 miliKelvin, which use of silicon for quantum chips decreases cost and time, as well as:
  1. Interoperability with conventional computer chips
  2. Cheaper production and less cooling systems needed

Nanocrystalline Photovoltaic Quantum Computing

Though I’m not going to spill all the details on this forum, I will be giving everyone a general idea of the project I’m working on.

Essentially, I’m using quantum dots for quantum hardware.

Crazy, right?

Essentially, we would be able to do the same thing that the silicon-based device is doing, except we would be able to power and manipulate the entire computational system through it.

We would use the 8nm InP quantum dot, which emits red light when exposed to UV rays in order to advance the silicon qubit units further, and accelerate the harnessing of energy by the silicon semiconducting qubit system.

However, by using the quantum dot system, it is important to note that this new quantum computing system would likely not be physically interacted with when running, especially due to the danger high-intensity UV rays presented by utilizing a solar powered systems.

This drawback can be averted, by keeping the quantum computer in an outdoor environment, though solar efficiency would need to be constantly optimized.

Still, it has already been shown that the implementation of photonic quantum computing systems allow for the development of simple APIs for high level machine learning and even quantum computing programs that can remotely access the cloud, and use of things like hot qubits can reduce manufacturing tasks, and even accelerate the creation of high-qubit models.

The interworking and intuition behind this proposition will be explored in part 2!

Until then, what do you think? New quantum hardware is exciting right? Like a new iPhone each year! I can’t wait to talk more about my proposition!

Thanks for reading! Until next time!! 😃

My name is Okezue Bell, and I’m a 14 y/o innovator/entrepreneur in the quantum computing and AI spaces. I’m also currently making developments in foodtech and cellular agriculture, as well as biocomputing! Contact me more:

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Okezue Bell
The Startup

Social technologist with a passion for journalism and community outreach.