The Image Tools I Use To Drive 120,000 Pageviews Per Month

Free and Paid

Christopher Kokoski
The Startup


Animation of a desktop computer — The Image Tools I Use To Drive 120,000 Pageviews Per Month
Image by the Author using Canva

I use a suite of free and paid image tools to drive 120,000 page views per month to my portfolio of websites.

This article is about those tools and how I use them.

The Free Image Tools

First, let’s talk about the free image tools.

These are the free tools I use:

  • Imagify Plugin
  • Lazy Load for Videos
  • Baseten
  • Canva

Next, let’s look at how I use them.

How I Use These Free Tools To Drive 120K Traffic

Here is how I use these tools to make my websites hum with traffic.

Imagify Plugin

I start by uploading my images into the WordPress media library.

Once they’re in the library, I select the images I want to optimize and click on the “Optimize” button. Imagify will automatically compress the images and convert them to WebP format.

Once I have the optimized images, I upload them to my blog post and publish them.

And that’s it!

Lazy Load for Videos

The plugin introduces a clickable preview image in place of embedded YouTube and Vimeo videos.

Videos actually load only when the user clicks on the preview picture.

This helps to minimize unnecessary JavaScript, which saves a lot of time during page load, especially on sites with many embedded videos.

Like mine.


Baseten is a free online ai that restores photos.

I use it to fix images I generate with Jasper Art (like image deformities, unmatching eyes, etc). You simply upload an image and click “restore.”

After a minute or two, your image is restored. You can then download it to your device.

I’ve found Baseten to be incredibly useful.

It’s saved me a lot of time and effort when it comes to fixing images. If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to restore photos, I highly recommend giving Baseten a try.


Canva is a great way to create professional-looking images for your blog posts.

The first thing you need to do is sign up for a free account. Once you have an account, you can browse through the millions of templates and designs that are available.

You can also upload your own images or photos.

When you find a template or design that you like, you can customize it to fit your needs. For example, you can change the colors, add text, or even upload your own photos.

I use Canva to design all of my main blog post images.

Once you are happy with your design, you can save it and download it to your computer. You can then use it in your blog post or social media accounts.

The Paid Image Tools

Along with free tools, I also use a few paid websites.

You don’t absolutely need these but I find them essential to my blogging business.

These are the paid image tools I use:

  • Jasper Art
  • Canva
  • Tubebuddy

How I Use These Paid Tools To Drive 120K Traffic

Here is how I use the paid tools:

Jasper Art

In order to make my blog posts more visually appealing, I often use Jasper Art I generation.

This allows me to create custom images that perfectly match the subject and intent of my articles. For example, if I am writing about a specific type of flower, I can generate an image of that flower.

Or, if I am writing about a certain color scheme, I can generate an image that incorporates that scheme.

In addition to adding visual interest, Jasper Art I generation helps me to communicate my ideas more effectively. By selecting the right image, I can ensure that my readers understand what I am trying to say.


I used the free version of Canva for a long time before going all-in on the paid version.

It’s like $12 a month for access to a lot more features.

I can use any image, video, or tool on the website without thinking about the cost.


I use Tubebuddy to help me optimize my videos for SEO.

By doing this, my videos rank higher on Google, which in turn helps to boost my blog posts. I use a variety of methods with Tubebuddy, such as keyword research and tags.

I also make sure to include a link to my blog in the description of each video.

This has helped me increase traffic to both my blog and my YouTube channel. In addition, I use Tubebuddy to help me monitor my analytics so that I can see which videos are performing well and make changes accordingly.

Overall, Tubebuddy is a valuable tool that has helped me boost my online presence.

Here Is My General Image Workflow

When it comes to image tools, I follow a predictable workflow.

  1. I start by writing an article on a long-tail keyword.
  2. Then I create a relevant image with Jasper Art.
  3. Next, I use Baseten to fix any resolution issues.
  4. Once the image looks good, I run the image through Canva to get the right size, add text, and layer on any extra features.
  5. I also use Canva to create a YouTube thumbnail for the article.
  6. Then I make and optimize a video using Tubebuddy.
  7. Finally, I upload and embed the image and video on my blog post. Imagify and Lazy Load do the rest for me.

Other Tools I Use

In addition to the image tools, I also use a battery of other tools for my websites.

For keywords:

  • Ahrefs
  • RankIQ
  • DeapMarket
  • AnswerSocrates

For writing:

  • The free ai writer from H-Supertools
  • Jasper
  • WriterSonic
  • Copymatic
  • Grammarly
  • Quillbot

Final Thoughts

None of this matters if you don’t do adequate keyword research or write a helpful article. But, these image tools make my websites faster and more user-friendly.

And every little bit of SEO boosts my websites so that I earn more.

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Christopher Kokoski
The Startup

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