This Is the Easiest Way To Get Google Featured Snippets

My personal fast-track method

Christopher Kokoski
The Startup


Man using multiple computers — This Is the Easiest Way To Get Google Featured Snippets
Image by Author via Canva

There is an easier way to get more Google Featured Snippets.

You know, those highlighted pieces of text, partial lists, images, and videos that show up at the top of more and more Google searches. If you manage to land these featured snippets, you can get a lot of traffic and make a lot of money.

In this article, I’ll show you the easiest and fastest way I’ve found to get Google Featured Snippets.

Two Things You Need To Easily Get Google Featured Snippets

After writing a recent article about my Google Featured Snippet Recipe, I realized that I left out two important pieces of the puzzle.

Ironically, these two factors speedrun snippets.

The two factors are:

  • Shrunken battlefields
  • Snippet Footprints

When you get both of these factors right, you’ll earn Google Featured Snippets much more often.

This means that you will earn more from display ads and affiliate marketing.

How To Find a Shrunken Battlefield

Finding a shrunken battlefield is the first step to getting more Google Featured Snippets. A shrunken battlefield is a low-competition keyword that you can easily rank for.

There are a few ways to find a good shrunken battlefield.

The first way is to use Google Autocomplete. When you start typing in a keyword, Google will suggest related keywords. These are usually low-competition keywords.

Another way to find a good shrunken battlefield is to use Google Trends. This tool lets you see how popular a topic is. You can also compare multiple topics to see which one is less competitive.

The last way to find a good shrunken battlefield is to use a keyword research tool like Ahrefs or SEMRush. These tools let you see the search volume and competition for a keyword.

Once you’ve found a good shrunken battlefield, it’s time to move on to the next factor.

How To Follow Snippet Footprints

Not all keywords get Featured Snippets.

There is certainly value and search volume in keywords without this search engine element. However, if your goal is Featured Snippets, you could end up writing dozens of articles in vain.

That’s why one of the easiest ways to get a Google Featured Snippet is to target a keyword that already has a Featured Snippet.

By doing so, you know that — if you outrank the existing article — you will virtually guarantee yourself a Featured Snippet. This factor is about focus, priority, and time efficiency. Basically, you go for keywords where Google has already picked a Featured Snippet.

You can find keywords with Featured Snippets by:

  • Manually searching through dozens of keywords
  • Using a Keyword Tool that filters by Featured Snippets (such as Ahrefs)

Once you find a keyword with a Featured Snippet, you “follow the footprints” of that keyword to compete for the prime search position.

Putting It All Together

When you put the two factors together, you get an easily rankable keyword with a Featured Snippet ready for you to pluck.

It’s like fishing for Featured Snippets in a barrel (or something like that).

Here is the step-by-step process:

  1. Use Google Autosuggestion or Keyword tools to find a Shrunken Battlefield with few (if any) opponents. The lower the authority, the better.
  2. Filter the easy keywords by those with existing Featured Snippets.
  3. Study the article that is getting the Featured Snippet.
  4. Write a better article for those keywords (i.e. Longer, more relevant, more comprehensive, and higher quality content).

Here’s another tip.

Look especially for existing featured snippets on articles that barely mention the featured snippet topic.

Because of a lack of content on a topic, Google sometimes selects very weak articles for snippets. Articles with fewer than 100 words on the subject. The complete article might be 400 words max.

That makes your job much easier.

Often, all you need to do is simply write a complete article on the keyword. It doesn’t even need to be that good (but make it good, anyway).

Then the Featured Snippet is yours.

If you follow these steps, you’ll be able to get more Google Featured Snippets with ease. And, as a result, you’ll earn more money from your blog or website.

Update: I made a short YouTube video walking you through this entire process of easily getting Google Featured Snippets.

Final Thoughts

I use these two factors — low competition and existing Featured Snippet — together with my Snippet Recipe to land Featured Snippets up to 80% of the time on my portfolio of websites.

I hope these strategies work just as well for you.

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Christopher Kokoski
The Startup

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