Washed-Up to Wildly Successful: How Reese Witherspoon Pivoted Her Career

A five-step formula for lasting, credible success

Natalia Toborek
The Startup


Photo by Chris Wormhoudt on Unsplash

In almost every career path, there’s a crossroads moment.

It might be obvious at once: the moment you are passed up for a promotion or realize you’re up in the next round of lay-offs.

It might be a lot more subtle, like the gradual realization that your work is no longer fulfilling or there’s no way to progress further.

And it doesn’t have to be a matter of sink or swim: it can simply mean drifting aimlessly with the current.

When this point comes, you can either leave things as they are, or take a chance and dive deep into new waters.

I recently encountered this crossroads moment when I decided to leave my job and start a freelance writing business.

More significantly, this is the moment Reese Witherspoon faced when, after a streak of unsuccessful movies, “The New Yorker flung her on the ash heap of has-beens … stars who were no longer stars.”

It’s difficult to build momentum after a stagnant moment like that. And yet, Reese Witherspoon is now one of the most influential people in Hollywood. Not only does she get the roles that were once so hard to come by; she…



Natalia Toborek
The Startup

Freelance writer and creative searching for balance. Most likely found with a coffee, planner or great book in hand. Founder and storyteller at storylign.com 🌱