You Must Understand The CAP To Become A Profitable Full-Time Freelancer

Optimizing Your Client Acquisition Strategy

Kurtis Pykes
The Startup


Photo by Yang Deng on Unsplash

Marketplaces are the worst place you could look for freelance gigs. Almost all of the beginner freelancers I speak to assume the best way to begin their journey is to create a profile on platforms like Upwork, fiver, freelancer, etc. This couldn’t be further from the truth. These platforms may seem like they’re giving you a great deal: making clients easy to find for freelancers, and freelancers easy to find for clients. They are not. If you want to build a truly flourishing freelance business, you must understand the CAP.

CAP is an acronym short for Client Acquisition Pyramid — a concept I came across by fellow freelancer, Brennan Dunn. It’s essentially a pyramid divided into six different sections. Each level up the pyramid represents greater profitability and difficulty.

Note: See How and Why You Should Move out of Marketplaces by Brennan Dunn.

The Client Acquisition Pyramid (CAP); Image By Author

By understanding what each level entails, the benefits, and the disadvantages, you can optimize your client acquisition strategy to help you land more high-paying…



Kurtis Pykes
The Startup

SaaS Content Writer | Sharing everything I learn as I build my solo business to $10M in revenue