Crypto and Blockchain-ing in Las Vegas

Anabela Rea
5 min readNov 6, 2018


Team Sylo spent last week in the city of lights attending World Cryptocon!
Here are seven things we discovered in our time there.


The preference for maximalism in America might be an old adage but it rings true, extending to everything from architecture to food to cars to business to — you guessed it —tokenisation.

Sitting in on Thursday’s keynote presentations, it was Gene Grant, Chief Executive Officer of VRBex who said something that’s stuck with me all the way home:

“Size matters in digital markets. We should be bigger, better and safer.”

Sometimes aiming large is just what’s required.

Decentralised, blockchain-based services are certainly more secure and transparent for users, and we’re hell-bent on making our experiences better in order to attain the end result.

Which is more decentralised software in more hands, it’s that simple.


We were all riled up to meet our cousins from across the Pacific… but it seems that Sylo remains in a space of it’s own.

Sylo Partnerships Manager Neil Morrell and Content Manager Anabela Rea enter World Cryptocon, ready to rock’n’roll.

“One thing we noticed is that most people are still in the concept stage and couldn’t believe we have a DApp already in Alpha!” said Neil Morrell, Sylo Partnerships Manager.

“Whilst we met companies working on secure wallets, peer-to-peer messaging and Blockchain app builders, people were blown away that we have a DApp in development that’s going to do all three and more.”

Sign up for the open release of the Sylo DApp in Beta here.


Perhaps we should have seen it coming — the Americans are passionate about the decentralised revolution like they are about democracy.

Our friends in the USA aren’t afraid to make a strong statement. (The one above isn’t about blockchain however, so much as about blockchain networking at World Cryptocon on Halloween.)

John Hargrave, Publisher at the Bitcoin Market Journal, gave a battle-cry in his keynote entitled ‘The future of blockchain and cryptocurrency.’

It went like this:

“It is a fact that we are building the future of the human race.

In this room are the change-makers, the disruptors, the builders of the future.

We must ask the question, ‘What kind of future do we want to build?’

We must lead. We must lead. We must lead.”

The call was put out to the strong-willed across the political, legal and investment industries to “help imagine new world orders just like they did in the American revolution.”

Needless to say, we left fired up about changing the world and soon discovered some more peculiar offerings…


It just wouldn’t have been Vegas without a little of everything you can imagine.

On the glamorous side of things, we discovered the HODL rally, a race event with crypto/blockchain sponsors associated with the 2019 Barcelona Blockchain Summit.

(And who knows, you might even see ‘Sylo’ fly by next year?!)

On the more realistic and altruistic side, there were a range of blockchain-powered and associated not-for-profit organisations and events, and token-enabled health and supplement companies.

(Though still represented by a Lamborghini, of course).


Bitcoin was still the word on everyone’s lips.

During our time at the conference we heard many talks which referenced Bitcoin extensively, helped to celebrate Bitcoin’s 10th birthday and saw Bitcoin after Bitcoin themed costumes at the event’s ‘Cryptoween’ networking event on October 31.

Follow the Bitcoin..

In his standout keynote address at the event, Bitcoin advocate and entrepreneur Charlie Shrem put it like this:

‘Bitcoin removed the seat of power of money from a few people and put it back in the hands of the many.’

He also delivered…


According to Shrem, the three things that will change the world as we know it are blockchain, AI and virtual reality.

We were pleased to reflect at the time that Sylo is involved in at least two of these areas, with an eye open for the third.

More on this in coming months ;) Keep your eyes on our Telegram Announcements Channel!


Last but certainly not least, we left Las Vegas with some wise words on the fundamental difference between bear markets before and now from once again, good old Shrem.

A man who’s certainly experienced fluctuations in fortune, given the current state of the market, his thoughts hit home with us.

“The question that isn’t in people’s minds now is, ‘Is Bitcoin going to continue to exist?’ We know it will.

And you know we’re going to see another bold market down the road, and you know we’re going to see another bear market down the road.

These things are going to happen.”

So how then to weather the storm?

He suggested, like this:

“Write down what crypto means to you.

It’s so cheesy, I know, but take a piece of paper and write down the fundamentals that make this important to you.

Then if you’re worried about a bold or bear market, just look at that piece of paper and take the money out of it.

If your values are still the same, then hold.


Stay in touch with Team Sylo as we set out on our next adventure by following us on Twitter or joining our Telegram group!

Our next stop is the Amsterdam World Blockchain Summit on November 9, then we’re on to FinTech Festival in Singapore from November 12–16.



Anabela Rea

High Priestess of Lore / Head of Content & PR at the Seekers & Sylo