A new wallet launched in Cosmos Space

George Bunea
Syncnode Validator
Published in
2 min readFeb 6, 2020

Hello everyone! We are happy to announce that a new iOS that support most of the Tendermint based chains is published on the AppStore. The official wallet page is here: https://wallet.syncnode.ro/

The wallet can be downloaded from here: https://apps.apple.com/ro/app/staking-for-tendermint/id1490735740

A few words about the wallet:

  1. We support the following MainNet Chains: Cosmos, IRIS, Terra and Kava
  2. We support the following TestNet Chains: Cosmos, IRIS, Terra, Kava, Regen Network, BitSong, E-Money and we plan to add support for future chains as well
  3. We ran external security audits conducted by Bit Sentinel (https://bit-sentinel.com/), our security partners and we are planning others.
  4. Everything, like private keys is stored locally and there are additional layers fo security that allows you to secure your wallet, like PIN and biometric authentication
  5. We don’t run any analytics. The app is for users and we don’t track anything from what a user does. The code is open source and can be verified anytime by everyone.
  6. We are working on an extended user manual and we are planning to add video tutorials as well. Please bare with us as we are doing it as fast as possible.

The android version is part of our future plans as well but we don’t have an estimated date for the release. Details will be published as soon as we will have any updates.

For support or suggestions please feel free to contact us at the following coordinates:

Telegram: https://t.me/syncnodeValidator

Twitter: https://twitter.com/syncn0de

Blog: https://medium.com/syncnode-validator

E-mail: support@syncnode.ro

Please feel free to get in touch with us if you need any additional information! Thank you for reading and for your continuous support!



George Bunea
Syncnode Validator

Blockchain geek, PoS Validator, IPSX CEO, Owner of syncnode validator