July: Monthly Newsletter

Synesis One
Synesis One
Published in
7 min readAug 2, 2022

Greetings Supporters!

Our Beta Data Yield Farming app is set to go live on Solana Devnet soon! We have just over 80 beta-testers and we’re thrilled to get started. In this Newsletter we’ll share with you more in-depth updates from our past grok sessions, tech and gaming highlights. and more.


  • Seoul, South Korea: Our team gathered together in Seoul this past June to plan for Q3. The team worked closely with the linguists from Mind AI, and held a dinner with local community members.
  • Beta Data Yield Farming: We launched our closed Beta data yield farming this month!
  • Kanon Exchange: We’ve added some amazing features to Kanon Exchange.


The leadership team at Synesis One gets together in person at the end of each calendar quarter to grok.

Our first quarterly grok was in Cyprus in March and it was to close the first quarter of 2022.

Because we ended the near 60-day straight, grueling Santa Barbara Hacker House just prior to Cyprus Grok, most of us were happy to unwind a little on the island of Cyprus. Admittedly, the main focus was to debrief and reflect on our accomplishments and regroup for the future. So, here is the list of our accomplishments from the inception to the end of Q12022:

  • Published the Technical Lite Paper with detailed math formulas for easier smart contract coding.
  • Built a world-class advisory board
  • Completed the presale from top crypto-native powerhouses and funds
  • Received the utility token designation by FINMA in Switzerland
  • Completed IEO through Huobi Primelist during Lunar New Year
  • Listed SNS on a tier-one global crypto exchange (Huobi Global)
  • Completed IDO on Raydium through two launchpads: StarLaunch and SolStarter
  • Built Twitter to 95,000, Telegram to 35,000, and Discord to 9,500
  • Algorithmically designed and minted 10,000 Kanon NFTs.
  • Initiated public NFT sale of Kanon NFTs.
  • Launched Kanon Exchange, an NFT Marketplace on Solana
  • Completed the MVP of Data Yield Farming application on Solana devnet
  • Launched Single Side SNS Staking Pool
  • Launched the vesting app for Pre-sale participants
  • Initiated designing and productions of P2E Games: Quantum Noesis
  • Completed the Santa Barbara Hacker House Initiative for near 60 days straight.

All those accomplishments in such a short amount of time!

One of the most significant insights we collectively had during the Cyprus Grok was the importance of DYF (Data Yield Farming) and what it meant for us. So, we decided to concentrate on DYF as our highest operational and development priority.

And this insight led us to conceive Workspace in subsequent months after the Cyprus Grok and forced us to restructure our GameFi initiative.

Our head of growth, Isaac Bang, had an idea of totally redesigning and gamifying DYF. Initially, our idea, spelled out in the Technical Lite Paper, was to launch a series of P2E games on kanon.exchange to attract gamers and convince them to DFY. The more we contemplated, the more we realized it would be cost-prohibitive to implement and run two separate operations (P2E Games + DYF) really well. Given our limited development resources and growing competition in the P2E space, we felt it would be unwise to pursue both at the same time.

So, Isaac’s idea was to consolidate our efforts and launch a single app called, Workspace. It’s the kind of mobile app that crowdsources NLP AI training datasets, but also rewards Kanon NFT holders for accessorizing and upgrading virtual “retro” computer peripherals. It’s the ultimate GeekSquad app for work and fun.

On top of that, we have decided to use Train2Earn to denote DYF (data yield farming) to go along with X2Earn trends.

A lot of changes were taking place since the Cyprus Grok. Right?



The Seoul Grok was special. It took place in the headquarters office of Mind AI in downtown Seoul. It lasted for 7 days with a 10-hour workday.

It was more substantive and focused. Why? Because the work we set out to pursue is very ambitious while our resources are limited.

This forced us to prioritize. Which meant, we had to first define and agree on what not to pursue.

And we made some very important decisions together.

A quick summary is outlined:

  • Spin off our entire P2E operation and form a separate entity. While it’s a separate operation run by different teams operationally, it will still be a part of the Synesis One ecosystem as the use of SNS and Kanon NFTs is required.
  • Use the upcoming Solana Mobile stack to launch Workspace as a mobile app by 4Q2022. Workspace will be Web3 but will also incorporate Web5 selectively (i.e.Web2 + Web3) to enhance user-ability.
  • Focus on product development as the highest priority until we launch Workspace
  • Focus on launching grass-root marketing programs and partnerships to recruit new DYF users.
  • Halt the development of Quantum Noesis 2, Phrase Craze, and Tile Manipulator until further notice.
  • Complete the resale of KaonNFT to expand the Kanon holder community as the market condition allows
  • Focus on driving up daily trading volume of SNS through new exchange listings and possibly on a different chain with a new community of users.


We are in the middle of summer after the pandemic lock-down. The market sentiment could become more bearish and we are prepared for the balance of 2022. Our focus remains and will be on execution (build, build, and build) in this crypto winter.

Here is what you should expect for the next 60 days.


  • Train2Earn Closed Beta started


  • Train2Earn Open Beta starts
  • Exchange Listing (TBD)
  • All Monthly SNS Single-Side Staking Pools end
  • Reward Program starts with a new pair on AMM DEX Launch


  • Exchange Listing (TBD)
  • Launch Train2Earn on Solana mainnet


One main point of discussion during the AMA was around token economics. A member asked what makes our token economics sustainable compared to projects such as Axie Infinity or STEPN. The answer in our case?

  • SUSTAINABILITY: There is a real world utility for the data generated by the participants of Train2Earn, meaning that AI companies pay for the data. The first beneficiary, Mind AI, will be paying 10% of the revenue generated from each client toward buying back SNS for rewards. Very simply put, as long as the amount of SNS purchased by AI companies is equal to or greater than the amount of SNS tokens given out as rewards, the entire system is sustainable and scalable. In fact, although there isn’t a direct exchange between Synesis One and Mind AI’s clients, there is an indirect relation in that the data collected through our web3 platform is used to service millions of people outside of the web3 space.
  • LISTEN: our Head of Growth, Isaac speaks during a recent AMA. Check out our Kanon NFT AMA as well.


  • CLOSED BETA: We released our closed Beta of Data Yield Farming on Solana devnet this month. Although running on devnet, this is a fully functional system for collecting real-world natural language inputs to Mind.ai. With this release, we will show that it is possible to build a real-world public data utility fully on-chain, preserving the web3 ethos of transparency and openness to this new type of business application. We believe this will be a huge step forward in the industry. Beta DYF Guide
  • WEB 2 SPEED: We are already hard at work planning new innovations in follow-up releases for Data Yield Farming. The main focus will be improvement to the UI/UX, giving the user web2-like speed and responsiveness while keeping the core ontology building process on-chain
  • WORKSPACE: We have started development of the Workspace mobile app which we will be releasing later this year. With Workspace, we will make Data Yield Farming engaging and fun for our users, bringing a gamified web3 experience in-app. For Workspace, we will be leveraging the recently announced Solana Mobile Stack.
  • KANON EXCHANGE: Kanon Exchange has received an important update. In order to help build our ecosystem around the SNS token, we have implemented the ability to buy and sell Kanon NFTs on our marketplace using SNS. And during the initial promotional period, users who sell their NFTs on Kanon Exchange using SNS will be paid 0% marketplace fees. In addition, we have added the following features:
  • Bidding. Previously, the buyer could only offer to pay the seller’s full asking price but now it is possible for a buyer to place any offer for the seller to consider. This brings an eBay-style auction process to Kanon Exchange
  • We are now showing transaction history on the marketplace. You may be familiar with this feature from other marketplaces
  • View all of the changes and updates from our recent article here.


  • GAME END. Quantum Noesis has concluded. We will be announcing our top players later this month!
  • SCRIPT WRITING. Shawn Whitney and Tracy Spaight have finished writing the script for Quantum Noesis II. In the next installment of the series, MegaCorp has succeeded in copying most of EVI’s code, but with some crucial gaps. Calee, EVI’s ethically challenged twin, escapes her prison and runs amok in the Metaverse. It’s up to the player and Pilar to save the day!
  • GET OUR BOOK. We worked with the amazing folks at Sci Fi Factory in London to produce a 120 page coffee table book on the Art of Quantum Noesis, which looks fantastic. We will make an ebook version available soon. An ebook version is now available on Amazon (link).
  • TWITTER SPACES. Tracy represented Synesis.one on a July 7th twittercast called GameFi Bear Market: Surviving and Thriving, appearing alongside Archloot, Tap Fantasy, and Metaderby. Listen to our Head of NFT Gamification, Track is (here).


We know that the bear market has been tough, and we acknowledge the challenges and fluctuations we’ve seen since launch. We ask for your continued support. The public launch of our product is ~60 days away. Our focus is shifting to garnering even more participants for English, Korean, and Thai data yield farming.

Thank you!


The Synesis One Team



Synesis One
Synesis One

Synesis One is a data crowdsourcing platform where anyone can earn by completing micro-tasks that train AI.