The Synthchain (Part I)

Table of Contents & Abstract

3 min readJan 8, 2019


The entire White Paper can be downloaded in PDF format here.

Table of Contents

i. Prefacing Statement


  1. Introduction: The History of Money
  2. Digital notes: The Evolution of Tokens To Proxy Coins
  3. Value Reflection & Value Loading in Digital Notes
  4. Synthetic Blockchain Overview
  5. Intrinsic Value of Digital Notes
  6. FUTR: Use of Phi Algo To Simulate PoW
  7. Non-Premined Approach: Fee-Enabled Mining Solution
  8. MNY As A Digital Note
  9. Crosschain Applications
  10. Applying DCF To FUTR & MNY
  11. COE & Zur Draft
  12. Digital Notes — Scenario Analysis

ABSTRACT: Cryptocurrencies have the potential to offer investors unrivalled returns as a result of their unique value-utility properties such as limited supply quotas and exponential payment utility. In the past decade, we have all seen the effects of this as Bitcoin has surged more than 1 million percent and other cryptocurrencies such as ETH and more recently, XRP, have followed similarly. However, what is less understood is that the invention of smart contracts by Vitalik Buterin in 2015 has now given rise to a potential form of value inflation that is not covariant on market hype or randomness. Rather, we are in a stage of potential Blockchain evolution now wherein developing cryptocurrencies with more than 1 million percent plus value inflation events are not just achievable but can be continually repeated and sustained. Here we show how by synchronising basic escrow functions and token issuance cycles between smart contracts how it is possible to develop what is in effect the world’s first inflatable form of cash value. We detail how a synthetic income swap utility employing the smart contract function enables any calculation of a cryptocurrency asset via standard discounted cash-flow mechanisms, in effect, putting cryptocurrencies on par with securities, real estate and any number of income-generating assets. In doing so, we identify the first ever synthetic income cash instrument. We answer specific questions about the veracity of the huge performance gains inherent in cryptocurrencies and show how they are non-pyramid-biased and are in fact, entirely market randomized returns similar to those of any others in most investment products. We go on to suggest how this series of swaps transactions can be used to feed a new form of digital currency called a Coeval, wherein sale prices of new crypto respond in real time to the API-data feed of any number of socio-economic, environmental or other events. We also contextualise AI within this build. Finally, we point out how our synthetic Blockchain can be used within the context of establishing commercial enterprise solutions for more effective product financing.

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