NOIA is now Syntropy

Domantas Jaskunas
6 min readDec 14, 2020


Despite the challenges many faced during 2020, it has been a year of growth and progress for NOIA Network. As we approach some major milestones, we want to take advantage of this natural opportunity to realign the brand with our expanded vision, and also communicate that vision more clearly and openly.

Before we do, we want to thank our community, both the long-term supporters that stayed with us over the years, as well as the newcomers, plus all of our partners, investors, and advisors that continue to contribute to the success of our mission. It’s incredible to see just how many people are involved in making this movement a success. We thank you all.

As we highlighted in our previous post, the time has come to evolve from a niche technology startup into a truly global, mission-driven organization. That new direction deserves its own unique name.

Meet Syntropy.

Quick note on logistics
Starting now, the company will be called Syntropy. All social media accounts will be updated after the announcement goes live. We’ve reached out to every website carrying our brand to push the necessary changes. The token ticker will remain $NOIA to reflect the history and journey of our movement. To our token holders, there is absolutely no action needed, and as always, be wary of potential scam attempts. Our community managers are available for questions on Telegram.

Why Syntropy?

To understand Syntropy, we must first understand entropy. The duality inherent in these concepts captured our intrigue for the entirety of 2020.

What is Entropy?

Entropy is best defined as the general tendency towards complexity. It can be considered a law of the universe, with everything moving toward greater and greater chaos.

“Disorder, or entropy, always increase with time. In other words, it is a form of Murphy’s law: things always tend to go wrong!” — Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time

The world is full of entropy. The concept is applied heavily in physics and chemistry, but it’s present in everyday life, too. It dictates how things work, how structures form, and how matter evolves over time. In simple terms, things in our life naturally lose order over time if left to their own devices. Entropy is a symbol of chaos, randomness, complexity, decay, and even death.

With that in mind, we can now look at Syntropy.

What is Syntropy?

We define Syntropy as the opposite of entropy. If entropy is chaos and randomness, Syntropy is order, harmony, symmetry, and balance.

Syntropy is the hidden order within randomness. It organizes growth and expansion. Some might call it the grand design found in the universal patterns of nature itself, including biology, geometry, and quantum mechanics.

It’s hardly possible to come up with a complete definition of Syntropy, as understanding it relies on understanding the universe itself. We are constrained by our limited knowledge, but we have enough evidence to know it’s real.

Syntropy within the Internet

The Internet is one of the best examples that highlights the duality between entropy and Syntropy.

The internet we envision is syntropic. That doesn’t require a complete replacement. Our technology is compatible with the current internet infrastructure and its protocols, but it introduces global intelligence, connecting users and devices into a harmonious network that efficiently uses the underlying infrastructure.

Syntropy works with the strengths of the existing system while removing bottlenecks, incorporating security and optimization by default, and enabling greater scalability potential for future technologies and applications. This unlocks possibilities developers never had. New applications and tools can be easily built on top of this unifying layer, supporting any device or external protocol.

With Syntropy, we can achieve an optimized Internet where encryption and performance are built-in, automatically enabled for anything and everything connected to it.

Design Elements

Download the Syntropy media kit here

It’s challenging to encapsulate the entire meaning of Syntropy within a symbol, one that can unite many and represent progress. Since the concept itself comes from nature, the symbol had to align with the same principles.

We used concepts from geometry and biology to ensure a pleasing aesthetic and mathematical accuracy. Like Syntropy itself, the symbol embodies certain features — symmetry, harmony, and balance.

To apply to as many people as possible, it had to be neutral and universal, not shouting too loud, but always standing strong. The features of the Syntropy logo represent the values behind the organization itself.

Visual Identity

We want Syntropy’s entire visual identity to align with the same truths. We couldn’t find a better representation of hidden order than what Ernst Chladni demonstrated through his famous experiment, the Chladni Plate.

Ernst Chladni, a pioneer in the field of acoustics and the science of sound, showed that if you randomly sprinkle particles of sand onto a plate, you can produce beautiful patterns by vibrating the plate at certain frequencies.

As the experiment shows, small frequency changes result in either harmony or chaos. Chladni patterns are a perfect visualization of Syntropy in nature, which is why we directly incorporated these concepts into our visual identity.

Tiny adjustments to the frequency of a Chladni Plate can throw everything into entropy. A combination of creativity and intentionality can resolve the chaos to produce a beautiful and harmonious pattern. We are applying a similar process to the internet, where a few small tweaks can unlock its full potential.

The Chladni Plate animation we display on the Syntropy homepage represents just that.

Join Us

The movement to build the user-centric internet, populated by tens of thousands of performance-optimized, automatically-encrypted applications, will not start from scratch.

We are thankful for the large and dedicated community that joined us under the NOIA banner, and we look forward to building the Syntropy community even further.

In terms of ecosystem development, efforts have been in motion for some time. The infrastructure to expand development to anyone, anywhere is underway. We’ve already onboarded outside developers to work with our code and target new use cases, with the pace of onboarding ready to accelerate, supporting a diverse ecosystem of globally-sourced initiatives built on Syntropy.

This initial launch of Syntropy will not be the end. It is only the beginning. We have much more to share in the weeks to come, and we’re happy to have you on board.

Please join our Telegram or follow us on Twitter to stay informed of next steps.

