Why the Blockchain Industry Needs Solutions Like Syntropy

Our technology makes blockchain infrastructure faster and more secure, with improved reliability.

Jonas Simanavicius
8 min readJan 29, 2021

The blockchain industry has proliferated since Bitcoin’s rise to fame in 2018. As more companies look to incorporate blockchain into their businesses, networking issues become clear, even if they’re hidden from the general public.

For the reasons described below, we believe Syntropy is positioned to become the go-to technology for building blockchain infrastructure. This is not theoretical. We recently launched a Syntropy+Chainlink integration that is in production.

Click here to see the Syntropy+Chainlink integration in action.

Hidden problems in Blockchain

In order for a blockchain to be viable to the public, it must be able to validate and write transactions to a block as quickly as possible. Blockchain relies on a distributed set of nodes across a diverse set of machines, providers, and locations. Without a large dispersed set of nodes on a blockchain network, fees become higher as the network becomes more congested with transactions.

As blockchain companies compete for computing resources among commercial providers and individuals, the competitive advantage becomes simple node creation, standardized node protocols, and open source resources to evolve practices. In short, the easier it is to build and manage nodes on a blockchain, the more robust and effective the blockchain becomes.

Syntropy has seen this problem first hand, and is already working with blockchain projects to simplify the process of building and managing nodes in a way that reduces onboarding times and clarifies operational workflows.

By using Syntropy Stack across nodes on a blockchain network, all connections become formalized, encrypted, and streamlined so that everyday individuals and investors can pledge their capacity without having to take on a commercial level task. We believe this is a crucial first step in achieving the decentralization paradigm that has been heralded so often.

Syntropy Stack makes deploying and managing blockchain nodes easy, with built-in encryption and performance optimization.

Create Blockchain nodes with ease

Launching and running a blockchain node is often complex and cumbersome. This has led blockchains to look to large vendors who can run a large dispersed grouping of nodes. By relying on a small group of vendors, blockchains create governance and business continuity risk, negating the true value of blockchain technology.

Syntropy lowers systemic risk in the Blockchain industry

There are many instances today in which a small group can have leverage over an entire blockchain, and can thus dictate the rules and regulations of its operation. This “block producer” model creates centralized decision making and subjective prioritization in transaction validations.

For an industry whose main tenant is to dissolve power and control, having a politicized node ecosystem that can only be managed by large development teams is simply transferring the problems of public commerce onto the blockchain.

On top of control, there is the risk of invariability. Creating a grouping of nodes on the same provider such as AWS or Digital Ocean opens the blockchain up to not being able to deliver their SLA. If a large proportion of nodes are on Amazon, then the blockchain’s performance is at the mercy of Amazon’s uptime.

As we’ve seen countless times in the past, no provider has 100% up time. There will always be intermittent problems. That’s bad news for the network and everything connected to it.

In this format, normal individuals once again do not have a seat at the table and decentralization becomes another lost idea. The industry does not need more companies to run groupings of nodes, but more individuals to run single nodes. The way to do this is simplify the process, and rely on a proven system to achieve homeostasis within the node and the blockchain itself.

Syntropy Stack addresses these issues

Syntropy Stack empowers normal individuals to contribute to this growing industry. DevOps in node creation is extremely important. Without Syntropy, one needs to account for https/http porting, secure SQL connections, secret management, availability, disaster recovery, and monitoring. For someone who has not worked as a commercial development operations engineer, creating a node would be akin to restoring a classic car and having no knowledge of how a car works.

In blockchain, consistency and reputation of nodes are paramount. All behavior is recorded. If your node misses requests, returns bad data, or goes dark, your node may no longer be used in transactions. Given the stakes of building the reputation of your new node, Syntropy Stack reduces time and risk for an individual trying to contribute.

Consider Chainlink’s node creation process. The documentation suggests an architecture of a containerized node, an Ethereum Client, and a remote database. This sounds fairly straightforward for someone who is experienced in general application architecture, but the actual process can be very complex.

These components must be connected properly, and have a monitoring system in place for easy management. Syntropy Stack makes this process a breeze, even for beginners.

For experienced developers, Syntropy Stack provides a solution that abstracts the connection and encryption process to a level where they’re able to focus on building components, relying on Syntropy to orchestrate and automate the connections necessary for the node to become viable.

Developers could use a single Ansible playbook or another orchestration tool to run the infrastructure of the node using the Syntropy Stack. They could also use Terraform and Nomad to configure and containerize the network. The Syntropy Agent installed on each component would be responsible for defining the connections between services. This gives more autonomy to the developer to be provider agnostic on where they run these individual services, and allows more resources to be devoted to building core functionality rather than operational functionality.

Watch a live demo using Syntropy Stack to simply create a Chainlink node in minutes.

Pushing Blockchain governance forward

From a macro perspective, the blockchain industry would gain immediate benefits by using Syntropy Stack to manage nodes. The industry wants to grow to the point of mass adoption. That will mean tens of tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of nodes facilitating transactions.

For comparison, Bitcoin currently has roughly 100,000 nodes. This system is composed of various components all interconnected with each other, a task that even the largest companies in the world find challenging.

Syntropy Stack provides the governance and operational resources needed in order to scale a blockchain and unify individual nodes into a cohesive unit. By installing the Syntropy Agent on each node, there’s a common networking paradigm for how nodes communicate, with our smart routing protocol helping to efficiently validate transactions in the lowest possible time. Syntropy Stack is provider and machine agnostic, which will allow nodes of all types to pledge their capacity without excess configuration.

Connecting Syntropy with every Blockchain system

Decentralized ecosystems require empowered individuals, not companies. Communities on GitHub, Stack Overflow, Medium, and others have provided developers the ability to utilize the past work of others to build new and innovative applications and services.

In order for blockchains to become truly successful, there has to be a wealth of resources online for developers to consume so they can spend less time gaining context, and more time contributing. At Syntropy, we believe that providing open source materials serves an infinite amount of purposes, from marketing to development.

It is also important to be available to the community on mediums like Discord and Telegram. By having a channel where developers can go, there can be a lively discussion on how their development process is going, and what we can do to make them more effective while trying to work with our platform. This not only builds goodwill, but provides great feedback to enhance our offering.

When a blockchain seeks our help in building out a formalized way to create a node or manage a blockchain, we produce open source material that gives developers a scaffolding to begin building on that blockchain immediately. At our core, we facilitate networks. By providing users with our work and research, we are able to magnify our value to the companies we work with by building an infrastructure, and giving detailed instructions to everyone on how to work within it.

The blockchain industry is still opaque to outsiders. For many projects, understanding documentation and value propositions requires prerequisite information that is not provided. Our team is devoting significant time and resources to provide useful documentation for readers of any background. The more information we provide, the more value we can derive from individuals around the world who are seeking to contribute.

Syntropy is a required component of Blockchain

The uncertainty surrounding blockchain has been its capability to migrate the real world into a decentralized system. The benefits are certainly there if it is possible. You would have 100% uptime on decentralized applications and services, security would be enhanced, and smaller startups could begin offering products and services to enterprises where DevOps isn’t a flashpoint in the sale.

For this to become a reality, decentralized applications and services must become functional to the public, and not reliant on inconsistent centralized sources for their operations.

Take an Ethereum smart contract as an example. You can’t build a smart contract calling a centralized API. The API could be down, there could be an endpoint change, and there isn’t currently a way for a smart contract to ring up an account executive to renew a license. This is a large gap in facilitating the decentralized economy.

The method to solve this problem is by decentralized applications becoming connected in a way that keeps the core benefits of blockchain as described above, and achieves parity in the functionality of centralized service offerings. Syntropy was built to facilitate these connections. By calling our smart contract, you will have connections between services, and the cost is no longer fiat, but tokens.

There is already enough work to be done on creating decentralized applications to facilitate real world use cases. By using Syntropy Stack within decentralized applications and services, we take away the learning curve of interoperability in the decentralized world. Connect your services through our smart contract, the fee is in tokens, and you can configure and automate your connections as you see fit. We see ourselves as a vital piece in this fledgling part of blockchain commerce.


The growing pains for the blockchain industry have already started to show. Blockchains have already gone back to the age old B2B strategy to build their networks, and it will prove unsustainable as centralization of power within a node network comes with problems and consequences.

We believe the priority for any blockchain should be empowerment. Providing developers with an easy way to build a node, work with others, and follow a “paved path” will yield the ecosystem needed for mass adoption and decentralization.

Syntropy Stack is tailor-fit for blockchain. With all of the components and connectivity needed to validate and write millions of transactions per day, there needs to be an adopted system in defining and managing those connections and services for it to be scalable and within the reach of individuals who want to invest their time in the growth of the industry.

Want to start using Syntropy with Blockchain infrastructure? Join our Telegram or request access today.

