Go to Design & Systems Diaries
Design & Systems Diaries
We are human beings trying to understand the world around us and to develop ideas for a better living. We want to share our point of view believing in collective intelligence, in openess and iterative processes, knowing deeply that real innovation is the result of a shared path.
Note from the editor

We love to share, talk, discuss and write about innovation and better ways of shape our present. We want to describe new ways of living society, politics, economies, production. We are designer, and we want to use our skills to build systems that are like the world is: connected and dynamic.

Go to the profile of Daniele Bucci
Daniele Bucci
I’m a systemic designer and a researcher in social innovation, working on sustainability, platform economy, network science, permaculture and more.
Go to the profile of Sebastiano Pirisi
Sebastiano Pirisi
Systemic designer and Territorial Activator. Dreamer, writer, learner.