Go to Naked and Exposed
Naked and Exposed
Where your Edgy and Provocative Stuff finds a Home.
Note from the editor

Welcome to Naked & Exposed where the totally unrefined finds a home. This is the place to get your feet wet if you are a new writer. This is also a great place for all your edgy and provocative stuff. Your take on current affairs, your experiences with addiction, and your crazy conspiracy theories are welcome at N&E. It is also the home for your poetry, life lessons and your tidbits of wisdom. Naked & Exposed is in its infancy and would love to support you.

Go to the profile of ☜ T. A. Fave ☞
☜ T. A. Fave ☞
Seeker, Finder, Giver | Conqueror of Google | Specializing in Different | Lover of Life | Generous Clapper | Looking for Beta Readers https://tafave.com/
Go to the profile of Ezra James
Ezra James
Absurd journalist and essayist from the outskirts of Shambhala.
Go to the profile of Adam, The Diabetic Cyborg
Adam, The Diabetic Cyborg
Muslim, Swifty, Optimist, Conscientious objector. Kamalaphile Happily 💍 since 10/6/21 & 1/17/22. Here since 2016
Go to the profile of Marta Mozolewska
Marta Mozolewska
translator, mother of two naughty kids, and writer in the meantime, marta.mozolewska333@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Connor "Bearcat" Martin
Connor "Bearcat" Martin
Passionate writer | Stories involving TV/music, book reviews, quotes, faith, poetry, and more | Words for eternity | Check out my book: bit.ly/2AkskcE