How to Write a Data Science Blog Post

Christoph Ostertag
Published in
4 min readJul 20, 2022

Writing a blog post (called story on Medium) about a data science project you did, either at university or elsewhere, and publishing it to Medium is a great way to showcase your skills to a wider audience. When you add it to the talentbase publication, we will feature it such that companies interested in hiring young talents like you, can see your skills and be sure that you qualify for their workforce, even if you are still a student and have little job experience to show yet.

The process

  1. Create an account on Medium

This one should be pretty straightforward. Go to, click “Get started” and join Medium. website

2. Send us your username, and we add you to the talentbase publication

You can find your username when you click the icon on the top left of your screen.

Example username: christoph.ostertag

Send an informal mail to, or text me on Whatsapp or Discord. You can copy the text from below:
“Hi Chris, please add my username <your-username> to the talentbase Medium publication. Cheers, <your-name>”

3. Find a data science project you want to write about

This can be a data science project you did at school, university, in an internship, or in your free time. Be creative, but make sure it is something that is interesting to you and others and where you had to employ your own insight, such that it is relevant to your readers and potential future employers.

Here are a few examples with links:

4. Write an article

Go to “Write” and click it.

Here is an example guideline you can follow: (Adjust it how it fits your project and style)

  • Introduce the topic and the problem statement
  • Explain your approach to solving the problem
  • Introduce the dataset and the features
  • Explain how you structured the solution
  • Explain what could be done better
  • Conclude your project
  • Mention the references

If you are not 100% happy, but think your blog post captures the essence of what you want to communicate, don’t hesitate and publish it. You can edit it still later.

Quote from Steve Jobs

Basic: You probably want to play around a bit with font size, and font weight to get some decent headings and paragraphs, and that should be enough for most use cases. Make sure to include some pictures.

Advanced: You can use some more advanced formatting features, including code blocks. But don’t worry too much. To explain a concept screenshots might be sufficient.

One ` for inline code blocks.

Example of Inline code block

This Medium story describes other ways to embed bigger code structures:
9 Different Ways to Embed Code in Medium

5. Publish your article to Medium and the talentbase publication

If we have already added you, you should be able to publish directly to the talentbase publication. If not send us a reminder in case it has been more than 24h.

First click “Add to publication” in the edit mode of your story.

Then choose talentbase and select and continue.

Finally, click publish, and you are good to go. 👌

6. Share with your friends and colleagues for feedback

As we noticed at the beginning, writing a blog post about a project you did really highlights your expertise. Consider sharing on WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Facebook, or just in-Person.

One little tip. As Medium is a paid-by-readers platform, go to story settings and grab the friends link, which doesn’t reduce the number of free reads per month.


That is how you write an article on Medium to present your skills. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me at Good luck. 😊



Christoph Ostertag

Co-founder of talentbase. We help data science students to land their first job.