Chatbot Functions as a Copy Too

Sasyalia S.
Published in
3 min readMay 19, 2019
Source: Patrick Tomasso (Unsplash)

If you still remember the discussion I brought up in my very first article, I explained that engagement is what businesses have been concerning about. Each creates their own formula to get the customers’ heart with the expectation to get the business more exposure and development. That being said, a satisfying customer experience is what businesses are aiming for.

This means that the agents which are responsible for customers experience should be taken into account, be it a real-person customer service or even chatbots that function as customer services. Believe me, the faces of customer service show the business’ credibility. I would not waste my time coming twice to a shop that didn’t give me the best face they could possibly show.

So does with online companies that use chatbots as their front-liner to answer every question customers might ask. It’s so wrong thinking if you got chatbots for your businesses means you’re one step further than the rest. It doesn’t stop there. Poorly designed chatbots keep the customers away. Thus, designing chatbots is a brand new challenge for every conversational designer.

Source: Brooke Cagle (Unsplash)

As stated beforehand, customer service is the face of a company which could make customers go back once more or forever or rather, keep them away. A recent study shows that 52% of customers prefer messaging over phone calls to get their problem resolved, along with some key points highlighted. For instance, though social media also applies a messaging/texting form of communication, it is largely not a preferred option among the customers. We could fill in the gap there by using chatbots. Quoting ChatbotsLife,

“Chatbot is a vigorous new medium to increase sales and assist a wide range of customers.”

This is where it all comes down to one point: chatbot does work as a copy. And if you ask why, it actually could be used as a benchmark whether the customers would keep on coming back for more or not. Often times, a chatbot is ‘whom’ customers interact with the very first time in a business. Remember, first impression matters.

The well-designed, engaging script is all that matters to make the chatbot as lively that it could compel the customers. The ‘too-sticking-to-the script’ conversation with chatbots would make the conversation as dull and assessed as shabby. Even some real-person customer service that provides the same old answers on social media make the customers fed up (duh!), let alone with chatbots that are intended to converse with customers to serve the answers they want to hear.

Source: Headway (Unsplash)

Your chatbot script forms part of your brand’s copy. It reflects you and your business, and so it needs to pop. To keep your visitors hooked, do your research and learn what goals they might need to achieve from the conversation. Write like a human and inject a little personality into your copy, and the results will speak for themselves. — Kayleigh Alexandra, ChatbotsLife

The conversational designer as the copywriter then has to think about some potential ways to make the conversation helpful, fun, and pops. I’m not going to make a roster down how to make a good chatbots conversation here for there have been a plentiful amount of articles discussing that. I am emphasizing that your chatbots are the faces of your company. If done right, it serves you(r business) right too.



Sasyalia S.

Not a wordsmith but I love to jot down everything I feel. I post my bahasa Indonesia content at