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AI Powered Prediction, Automation, and Augmentation for Service and Support Teams.
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Talla Now Performs Tasks Triggered To Gmail, Gcal, and Salesforce

When we first built Talla, a digital assistant that performs HR tasks, we started with recruiting. This turned out to be a mistake because it required us to ask for Calendar, Email, and ATS access before we could show…

Talla Task Assistant Now Supports Group Tasks

Our natural language to-do list manager, Talla the Task Assistant, has been out for 3 weeks now and the response has been great. Today we are excited to announce our next feature — the ability to manage group to-do lists and assign tasks to other…

Introducing Talla the Task Assistant: A Natural Language To-Do List Manager

Last September we started Talla on this premise: that the rise of A.I. and conversational interfaces creates a unique inflection point to build something that didn’t currently exist — an intelligent…