Image by anncapictures on Pixabay — edits to original by Posy Churchgate

Can You Carve Out Some Time To Write a Mystery?

Tantalizing Tales’ April Newsletter

✍ Posy Churchgate
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6 min readMay 1, 2024


Before I kick off April’s newsletter, I am eager to congratulate the 24 writers who rose to the challenge of creating a story with the theme of Change. Last week May announced the names of the semi-finalists and yesterday, with pride and awe at the quality of submissions we received, the prizes were awarded. Bravo to our finalists.

While Tantalizing Tales was running its fiction competition, it was ‘business as usual’ for the majority of our writers.

Be sincere. Be Brief. Be Seated. — Franklin D Roosevelt

Micro Monday

Monday is the day on which we host flash fiction and drabbles, short bursts of fiction which take less than 3 minutes to read, but a bit more effort to write! (Wordcount between 100 and 750).

Author David Gaffney is an expert in 150 word creations, what he terms ‘sawn off stories’. Among his tips for success he shares that it’s best to start in the middle — explaining there isn’t time/ word-count for preamble or scene setting. He also advises being sparing with ‘players/ characters’.

His method is to write ‘long’ then trim it down, cutting out superfluous words and explanations, adjectives being…



✍ Posy Churchgate
Tantalizing Tales

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