A woman’s naked bum
Image by kalhh from Pixabay

Football In The Park Part 1, Series

Truth or Dare

Within an hour we were both quite buzzed and daring each other to commit indecent acts upon the other.

Nero J. Black
Tantalizing Tales
Published in
6 min readJun 19, 2021


Here is the first part of FOOTBALL IN THE PARK and it comes with a challenge. Read on…

Two more episodes will be published over the weekend. However, I haven't written the final one! May and Posy are NOT happy about this. So I‘m’ asking YOU, any of you, to email the Tantalizing Tales team talestantalizing@gmail.com with a suitable ending to my very dirty series. They assure me the best one, or maybe two, will be featured in the publication.

Football in the Park: part 1 — Truth or Dare

I woke late on Sunday morning, the dull throb at my temples a gentle reminder that I had drunk too much the night before. Gentle, as in it could have been worse Susan, a lot worse. Jeff and I had been doing shots last night — way too many shots. Still, it had led to a very interesting time. Let’s just say we crossed a few lines, and done things we’d never tried before.

As I remembered exactly what had happened a dull pain returned to my ass. Jeff had spanked me last night, repeatedly. He’d never done that before. I rubbed the flesh as I walked to the shower, the memories flooding back with crystal clarity.

The internet had gone down and with it our plans to ‘Netflix and chill’. Jeff had huffed and puffed all over the house, checking for signal strength, rebooting the Apple TV, unplugging and replugging the modem — only to return to the sofa after 20 minutes with a deck of cards, a bottle of vodka, and two shot glasses.

“Fucking technology,” he cursed. “We’re going to have to kick it old school.”

“Cards? Really?” I had asked, “and what’s the vodka for — that looks dangerous”

“That’s to make it interesting,” he said, as he began shuffling the deck. “We’re going to play Snap!”

“Snap?” I exclaimed. “I haven’t played that since I was eight. That’s when my father taught me how to play poker — and I was beating him by the time I was ten, you know?”

“Yes, I do” smiled Jeff, “that’s why we’re playing ‘Snap.’ The loser has to choose Truth or Dare, or take a shot if they forfeit.”

Playing Truth or Dare with your husband of ten years gets pretty silly, pretty fast. We knew each other too well so we ran out of questions for the Truth component, and the Dare segment quickly became just stripping off a layer of clothing, which left us almost naked doing shots within about forty minutes.

Within an hour we were both quite buzzed (independent observers might have judged us drunk) and daring each other to commit indecent acts upon the other. The cards had long been discarded but we still continued to do the shots, for no good reason.

I dared Jeff to go down on me without touching me with any part of himself except his tongue, which he did — admirably. He countered by making me do the same — I had to deep throat his cock with my hands held behind my back, which is more difficult than you think when you’re tipsy. He helped by sitting on the edge of the sofa, with his knees stretched wide. I knelt between his legs and did the sexual equivalent of bobbing for apples.

Initially I lost my balance a few times but I steadied myself and found my rhythm. Very soon I was gobbling on his dick like a back alley whore, thrusting down hard on his meaty thickness until my nose was buried in his pubes, before whipping back to grab a lungful of air. I started licking and sucking on the knob, flicking my tongue into the eye of his prick and making him moan like a High School virgin. When I felt his member throbbing in my mouth I knew he was ready to cum so I pulled back and released him from my oral cunt.

“What the fuck?” he cried, when he realized my throat was not coming back. “Why did you stop? I was just about to cum… I’m ready to cum… fucking hell! C’mon Susan, don’t leave me hanging,” he pleaded.

“Good” I laughed, as I poured us two more shots. “That will make the next part easier for you — I dare you to spank me. Put me over your knee and smack my ass. Punish me for being the naughty girl I am.”

I don’t recall where I found those words from, it’s not like me at all, but I do remember his response. It was immediate. The words were no sooner out of my mouth than he’d grabbed me by the wrist — yanking me up off the floor and pulling me onto his lap. He yanked me so hard and fast it hurt my arm, but the adrenalin surging through me quickly made the pain evaporate.

Jeff had never been so rough with me before — the most he’d ever done was to pound me mercilessly from behind, doggy style — but I have to admit I liked it. I don’t know why, all I know is that my whole body flushed and I felt a sense of exhilaration I couldn’t explain. It was raw and animalistic.

Jeff manhandled me some more, until he had me where he wanted — stretched over his spread legs with his erect prick poking up into my tummy. My ass was bent over one leg, his dick pressed against my belly button, and my tits were squished against his other thigh. My large breasts weren’t the most comfortable but I had no time to complain — without warning a hand rained down and smacked my right butt cheek.

I screamed out loud because it hurt. A sharp heat radiated across my cheek, followed immediately by another hand doing the same to my other cheek. Jeff smacked both ass cheeks then stopped to rub them tenderly. No sooner had the pain subsided, than he was spanking me again, this time twice on each cheek before applying his soothing squeeze. And on he went.

I was surprised how good it felt. I knew it was meant to feel good, but the first two blows had really hurt so I fully expected the pain to continue. But it didn’t. It morphed into something else. The heat on my ass radiated straight to my cunt, and then spread out further across my body. It was like receiving an electrical charge with every smack Jeff administered. The energy surged through me and my pussy was on fire.

My nipples were rock hard and I felt so wet I was sure I was puddling on his leg. For his part I could feel Jeff’s cock throbbing beneath me. It was slick with pre-cum — sawing back and forth across my stomach as I squirmed and wriggled on top of him. Maybe it was the vodka but I kinda zoned out. I just collapsed on his lap — moaning and groaning as Jeff continued to punish my butt.

Jeff didn’t know it, but I was his fucktoy now — he could have done whatever he wanted to me and I wouldn’t have minded. He could’ve fucked my virgin asshole for all I cared at that moment, I was so blissed out. As my rump shook with every blow he delivered, I imagined him pounding my pussy from behind.

Fantasy turned into reality when, again without warning, Jeff got out from under me. I caught a glimpse of his big throbbing cock as he stood up and pushed me face down into the sofa. His dick was glistening, purple and angry.. He was clearly ready to ejaculate and right at that point; I was oh-so-ready to be his dirty little cum dumpster. I felt so wanton, all I could think about was him shooting his hot load inside me…

[to be continued in Part 2]



Nero J. Black
Tantalizing Tales

A 50+ male who occasionally writes erotic fiction. Maybe one day I'll show it to my wife. She reads everyone else's dirty stories. Photo not me, I like privacy.