Naked woman holding a towel and showing her bum
Image by inna mikitas from Pixabay

Football In The Park Part 2, Series

In the Shower

I felt each pulsing spurt of his sticky seed and that finished me. My own orgasm exploded…

Nero J. Black
Tantalizing Tales
Published in
4 min readJun 19, 2021


[continued from Part 1] — Also check out the Tantalizing Tales challenge at the start of Part 1

As I stepped into the shower I remembered what had happened next. My knees were on the floor and my face was pressed sideways into the couch. Jeff placed his hand on the back of my neck and locked my head where it was. With his other hand he grabbed my hip, pulling my asscheeks apart slightly as he thrust forward. His cock jabbed at my slit twice before finding the sweet spot, and sliding inside.

He slipped in easily, and yet at the same time he felt so big. I guess it was because I was so wet, but I felt deliciously full as his massive girth stretched me wider than I’d felt in a long time. The other thing I remembered was the heat. My butt was still stinging and the heat was burning inside me like a furnace. My pussy felt so hot, and so did his cock! It was like a red hot poker pushing in and out of my cunt, and yet… it felt wonderful.

The images from the night before were so visceral I couldn’t help myself. My soapy hands found their way to my vulva and I gripped myself tightly as my body relived the sensations of the previous night’s sexscapade. It was like watching a porn movie in my head now as I replayed the action and tried to time my pending orgasm with the memory of last night’s massive climax.

My clit was big and hard as my slick fingers ran deep through my slit, and my knees started to buckle. I steadied myself against the shower wall as I saw myself last night, face down on the sofa, and Jeff grunting wildly as he reamed my sopping cunt. He was totally lost in his pleasure and I felt absolutely used as his hand scrabbled across my face. All the while his hard thrusts pummeled my wet hole until I felt his cock suddenly twitch, and then explode.

I felt each pulsing spurt of his sticky seed and that finished me. My own orgasm exploded and I collapsed onto the couch, my vagina squirting it’s own hot mess over the plush fabric. That was another first, I’d never done that before!

Right on cue I came again, in the shower. It wasn’t as long and deep as last night’s but it felt good. Quick and dirty, a cheeky moment of self pleasure. I felt a twinge of guilt when I realized Jeff was still in bed and would probably have loved a Sunday morning quickie, but I forgave myself with the knowledge he was probably more hungover than I was.

God, he was such a different man last night and I blushed again as I remembered how much I’d loved it. He was an animal, and I was his mate. He’d fucked me royally — what more could a girl ask for?

As I stepped out of the ensuite shower and toweled off I could see Jeff was up already, which surprised me. He was sitting on the corner of the bed, lacing up his Nikes.

“Where are you off to in such a hurry?” I questioned “you haven’t even showered…”

“Football, with the lads,” he replied, matter-of-factly. “And you’re coming too, remember?”

I didn’t. Apparently I’d agreed to it last night, but I must have been drunk. I’d stopped watching him play social soccer with his mates about eighteen months into our relationship — once the ‘honeymoon phase’ had worn off. It had been years since I’d watched him play and although I was grateful it had kept him fit, I didn’t relish the idea of standing on the sidelines for 90 minutes while he ran around chasing a football.

“Too bad, you’re going. You’re my slave for the day, remember?” he said. “You have to do what I tell you for 24 hours…”

[continued in Part 3]



Nero J. Black
Tantalizing Tales

A 50+ male who occasionally writes erotic fiction. Maybe one day I'll show it to my wife. She reads everyone else's dirty stories. Photo not me, I like privacy.