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In a Blink of an Eye #2: Learning what she’s become

Tammie’s body and mortality are not the only things affected by her transformation…

Sebastian Castile
Published in
12 min readOct 22, 2022


Continued from Part one where Tammie met the incredibly alluring Elizabeth.

I slept the sleep of the dead…or is it undead? I don’t know, this is new to me, I’ll figure it out as I go, I promise. Either way, I awoke from a sound sleep to find my room lit with a pale predawn light.

I began to wonder if last night was just the most erotic dream I had ever experienced. The notion that it was all a dream was quickly dispelled as I felt a slim arm wrap around me and a clearly feminine body press against my back. Elizabeth’s hand glided over my belly to cup my firm breast as she drew me tightly to her. My body immediately responded to her touch as my nipples stiffened and my pussy grew wet.

Elizabeth chuckled sleepily, gently kissed my neck, and whispered.

“My poppet is awake and horny already. Let’s see if this will help you sleep again.”

One of her arms slipped underneath me and began to tease and play with my stiff nipple while her other hand retraced its path over my belly and then moved down in between my spread thighs. Her deft fingers slipped between my aroused lips and found the hard bud of my clit. Through our shared link the feelings of pleasure as she strummed my clit coursed through both of us, until we reached a shared climax. In the afterglow of our orgasms, a lethargy overcame me again and I slipped back into a deep sleep.

When next I awoke the bedroom was brightly lit by the morning sun. Since Elizabeth and I were not a smoking pile of ash, I realized that not all the legends of vampires were accurate. I wondered what other legends were wrong, as I quietly slipped from Elizabeth’s embrace and went to the bathroom where there was a full-length mirror.

When I entered the bathroom I gasped. Not just because I could see myself in the mirror, but because I could see my new self. I was gorgeous! I was every bit the sexy, lust-inspiring creature that Elizabeth was. My appearance had not completely changed. People who knew me before would still recognize me with no problem, but just as Elizabeth had said, my appearance had become more enhanced.

My skin was creamy flawless perfection. The bone structure in my face had been refined and slightly more pronounced, turning it into something sleeker and sexier. My breasts, still small, were now rounder, firmer, and perkier. My lips had plumped and had a natural dark red color to them that would make men beg for me to suck them off.

The biggest surprise was, except for the hair on my head and my eyebrows, I was totally hairless. I stared at my pussy in shock. It looked swollen and aroused like it was begging to be filled with a hard cock. I thought of my David and I ached with the need to feel his hard cock inside of me. In amazement I ran my hands over my naked body, feeling for myself its perfection. But I knew I had to see the inevitable. I looked at my face in the mirror and I smiled. My eyes immediately focused on my shiny new fangs. They were long and sleek and I could tell, without touching, that they were razor-sharp.

“I love watching a newborn’s reaction to their appearance,” Elizabeth said behind me, true joy in her voice, “it is always so wonderous and full of promise.”

I turned to find Elizabeth standing behind me, just out of sight of my reflection. I flung myself into her arms and kissed her.

“Thank you! Thank you so much for this Elizabeth!”

“You are welcome my poppet. I’m glad that you aren’t having any regrets about the transformation.”

“Some do?” I asked in surprise and she nodded.

“Yes poppet, some do. It is usually those who aren’t given a choice, or are led into it with false information,” Elizabeth explained.

“You mean hypnotized, like you did to me last night?”

Elizabeth laughed a warm bright laugh.

“Caught on to that already? Yes and no. It is a long story. How about we hop in the shower to clean up, and I’ll explain?”

I was suddenly very aware of my need for a shower, so we got the hot water running and stepped in. I grabbed the shampoo and worked up a rich lather and began to wash Elizabeth’s golden locks as she explained.

“You see poppet, when you saw me in the airport I was sort of broadcasting a sexual lure. I was just looking for a snack while I was in town. I was struck by how hard it hit you, so when I was out of sight, I studied you and you did something that hasn’t happened in a very long time, you interested me.

“I knew, whether you had admitted it to yourself or not, that you were curious and attracted to women, so I decided to follow you home and find out more.”

Elizabeth’s hair had been washed and conditioned now so I took the soap and worked it into a lather and began to wash her body.

“The only true glamour I used on you was to get you to invite me in. Had you not done that, we wouldn’t be here now.”

“So that part of the legend is true?” I asked and she nodded before continuing.

“Once inside, while you drank the wine, you answered all my questions and I realized you were exactly what I was looking for when I came to America. At that point, I just used the wine and a light suggestion to lower your inhibitions to see if you were really interested in me. I did not make you undress, your subconscious did that for you. Some part of you realized what I was, so that was why I asked so many times if you wanted to continue. I wanted to give you every chance to say no.”

I was on my knees before Elizabeth, washing her legs.

I asked in a quiet voice, “What would have happened if I had said no?”

Elizabeth didn’t hesitate.

“I would have left. As I said, you interested me and that deserved respect. Had you simply been a meal for me, I would have just hypnotized you and fed. You’d have woken up thinking it had been a vivid dream and nothing more.”

I shivered at the thought of that, “But I wanted this.”

“You did poppet. Deep down you did. You saw a chance at a very different life and you took it.”

Puzzled I said, “But I am happy with what my life was.”

“You were. But you also know that despite all the talk of equality, your life as a woman will also be restricted. That you will be treated as a second-class citizen.”

Elizabeth placed a finger under my chin and raised my face to look at her, “But life as a vampiress is a far different story. With the gifts I have given you, we can bring wealthy men and women to their knees and become puppet masters, controlling things from the shadows. You see, that was my plan, why I came to America. I wanted to start a family and to take control here, just like vampires have done all across Europe and most of Asia.”

“What about David?” I asked and that made Elizabeth pause.

She stared deep into my eyes and then sighed.

“You really love him don’t you?”

When I nodded yes, she said, “Well that may make me rethink my plans. David comes home Friday night. Give me until then to show you the world and what I am offering you. If by Friday evening you still want David in your life, then we will figure that out. Deal?”

“Deal,” I said letting Elizabeth pull me to my feet and kiss me.

“Now poppet, let me get you cleaned up.”

After a shower that went until the hot water was long gone, Elizabeth and I retreated back to bed where she explained the basics of vampire life to me. It was amazing to see how some points of the legends were true, while others were made up completely from whole cloth.

“That fool Stoker was both a blessing and a curse. A curse because he made the world more aware of us and revealed some of our weaknesses, but also a blessing because his own pride and arrogance made him embellish the tale so much that the real, useful information is all hidden in his trite book,” Elizabeth said.

To summarize what I learned that morning:

- Sunlight does not hurt us. We are weakened by it and some of our powers are unusable, but we are still faster and stronger than any human being.

-Religious iconography itself does not harm us. It is the deep and personal beliefs in those icons that hurts us.

-While blood provides us with everything we need to live, we are still able to eat and drink normally. Eating and drinking regular food is greatly encouraged since it helps us blend in as we move through society.

-Blood is not the only bodily fluid that can nourish us. As Elizabeth said, ‘Never turn down a hard cock or a wet pussy.’ Both semen and vaginal secretion are capable of sustaining us. Though not as potent as blood, if we are getting it regularly, we don’t need to feed on blood more than once or twice a week.

-All the hooey about mirrors, running water, and OCD are just that, hooey.

-Finally, a vampire is psychically linked with their creator. They feel everything that happens to each other until the child becomes strong enough to break the bond and go and create their own child. This process could take several hundred years.

After my lesson in basic survival, Elizabeth went on for hours giving me a historical overview of vampire society. From this lesson, she went into more detail about her plan: Of seducing and controlling the wealthy and pulling the strings through shadow corporations.

“You sound like a corporate lawyer,” I told her at one point when she was explaining how the financials would work, and the power of attorneys.

She just laughed and said, “Because I am one.”

It turned out that Elizabeth has a law degree, specializing in corporate law. It was the 35th degree she had achieved in her long life. She liked to think that she would have more, but for a large portion of her life women were restricted from most universities. She had attained degrees in: Chemistry, Engineering, Philosophy, Psychology, History, Art, Mathematics, Economics, Biology, and numerous others. She is also fluent in at least ten languages.

“You see poppet, that is a big part of the gift — I have given you time. Time to do whatever you want, to learn whatever you want. You can reinvent yourself as often as you like,” she told me as she held me close to her.

My eyes were wide open to this possibility now.

The only thing that marred our wonderful day together was my cell phone. It kept ringing incessantly. Finally, mid-lesson, Elizabeth snapped.

“Who keeps calling?”

A quick glance at my phone revealed two missed calls from David and 10 missed calls from my work.

“Enough of that,” she said as she took my phone and went into the other room.

When she returned to the bedroom she handed my phone back to me.

“Work will not be bothering you anymore. Please call David and let him know you are all right but do not tell him anything about what happened last night.”

Quietly I slipped from the bedroom and called David.

“There you are. I was getting worried,” David said in a concerned tone. “Everything okay?”

“Hi, love. Yes, everything is fine, I just wasn’t feeling that good, so I called in sick and spent most of the day sleeping.”

I couldn’t believe that I was lying to David like this, but Elizabeth was right that I couldn’t tell him any of this over the phone. What would I say?

‘Guess what! I met a sexy woman last night and brought her home. We fucked each other's brains out all night. Then it turns out she is a vampire and now I’m one too.’

I could not convey that over the phone. I had to do that in person. We talked for about a half-hour before David had to run to a meeting. We said we loved and missed each other. I felt sick lying to him and deep down I wondered how much I had just said to him was a lie. I sat staring at my phone trying to sort my feelings out.

“You see, it is difficult to have this type of relationship with a human. I did not suggest you leave him out of cruelty, but out of what would be best for both of you,” Elizabeth said as she moved to sit beside me.

“What if I turned him?” I asked.

“That would not be possible for you poppet. You are too young to manage that. Right now every time you feed you need to be watched to make sure you don’t accidentally kill your prey. It takes time to learn to control your blood lust.”

“What if you turned him?” I asked hopefully.

Elizabeth sighed.

“That would be possible. But it would link him to me just like you are linked to me. He would feel everything I felt and vice versa. The three of us linked like that would make our relationships complicated. Would you really want to feel it when he is having sex with me or some rich woman? Or would you want him to feel you having sex with a wealthy man we are seducing to control?

My plan requires us to gain control of the wealthy and powerful, and that is most easily done through sex. Our basic survival requires sex with our prey. Some relationships could handle that, others could not, but when you look at our life spans, it is something you really have to consider.”

I sat in silence pondering what Elizabeth had just told me. Elizabeth’s plan was perfect, it would make us rich and powerful. But it would require a lot of seduction. Would David and I be okay feeling each other being unfaithful? Would it be something we could get past?

The thought of feeling the pleasure David felt when his cock slid into my pussy was turning me on, but would it still be a turn-on when it was Elizabeth’s pussy? What about if it was some rich mark’s pussy. Would it be a turn-on for David to feel the pleasure I get when a cock is pumping in and out of me or would it destroy us? So much to ponder.

Elizabeth saw the serious expression on my face and felt my troubled thoughts.

“Enough for today. Your worries will take time to work through and your eyes are starting to glaze over when I teach you our history. Let us rest tonight and tomorrow we will begin the practical lessons of blending in and hunting.”

Elizabeth took my hand and led me off to the bedroom. We kissed softly and relished in the mirrored feelings we shared. As we slowly undressed each other there was a thrill of excitement in my belly. My body grew aroused at the mere thought of the sensual acts that we were about share.

My hand brushed over Elizabeth’s breast and I felt my nipple harden in response. The shared sensation made us moan into each other's mouths. We took our time kissing and exploring each other as we savored the physical delights that we felt.

When we finally worked ourselves to the edge of orgasms with our teasing, Elizabeth guided me to the bed and gently laid me back upon it.

“You’ll enjoy this,” Elizabeth purred.

Instead of taking turns pleasuring each other like last night and this morning, she instead climbed on top of me in the classic ‘69’ position. While I had seen 69s in porn, I had never had a chance to experience it for myself, something I was eager to fix. Wantonly I spread my legs wide, giving her unfettered access to my dripping pussy.

Elizabeth settled her legs on both sides of my head and I reached up and grasped her firm ass and drew her pussy to my hungry mouth. The double sensation of our tongues parting our wet lips drew a gasp of surprise from me. The gasp was quickly followed by a moan of wanton delight. I grabbed her ass harder and pulled her soaked sex tighter to my face. In return, I felt Elizabeth press her mouth tighter to my pussy. It did not take long before we reached the pinnacle together. The orgasms tore through our bodies and our cyprine fluid gushed from our pussies soaking our faces.

We made love like this for hours, bringing each other to climax numerous times. Finally, around midnight, our passions were sated and we slipped into a deep sleep, holding each other tightly.

Continued here…

Submitted for the prompt Change on Tantalizing Tales



Sebastian Castile
Tantalizing Tales

I’ve been writing now for two years and I am trying to focus on romantic erotic encounters.