A woman wearing white lacy underwear
Image by Neil C from Pixabay

In a Blink of an Eye

Life can change in a blink of an eye. I never knew just how true that saying was until that night.

Sebastian Castile
Published in
14 min readOct 8, 2022


I kissed David with a restrained passion at the drop-off curb of the airport. While both of us were clearly feeling more passion, we did not let it show, neither of us really approved of public displays of affection.

David gave me one last soft kiss and said, “My flight gets back late on Friday night. Bill is on the return flight with me, so he can drop me off at home”

“I don’t mind coming to get you,” I told him with a smile.

“Tammie,” he said, “why make the trip if you don’t have to,” he gave me one more quick kiss and said, “I need to go, there is a line at security.”

“Okay,” I relented, “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

As we moved apart I suddenly turned my head as if I had heard my name called. There, walking across the lanes of traffic to the parking garage was a goddess of beauty and lust. She had long golden hair and an alabaster complexion. The lines of her expensive business suit were filled out with large round breasts and a firm round ass. I’ll be the first to admit that I have had a sheltered sex life. While sex with David is fantastic, we have always kept it pretty vanilla. I had never been with a woman before, heck I had never even thought of being with a woman, but watching that sex goddess cross the street, my mind was flooded with images of us naked together kissing, our hands running all over each other’s bodies. I felt my nipples harden and my pussy began to flood, soaking my panties. As she disappeared out of sight the images fled my mind as suddenly as they came.

David was looking at me and asking if I was okay as I shook my head to clear out those lustful thoughts. David again asked if I was okay before I nodded and chuckled ruefully. We kissed once more and he ran off to the security gate while I got back in my car and returned home.

The night was dark and quiet when I finally got home. I parked the car in the driveway and made my way to the front door. I had just unlocked the door when I heard a voice with an English accent behind me.

“Hello my poppet. Why don’t you invite me in for a bite to eat?”

I was so startled that I jumped and dropped my keys on the porch. I spun around, about to give this person a piece of my mind when I saw that it was her, the goddess from the airport. My mind was filled with questions, like how did she find me here and how dare she ask to come in? I was about to give voice to those questions and more, when there was a flash of light and my concerns were gone. Suddenly there was no better idea than letting Elizabeth in the house. Deep in the back of my mind warning bells were going off about all of this, including how the heck did I know her name was Elizabeth? But a wave of calmness washed over my mind and all those thoughts scattered.

“Of course Elizabeth! I am so glad to see you again,” I said in a cheerful voice, “Please come in. I’m sure we can find something for you to eat.”

“Thank you, Tammie,” she said as she walked past me and into our house.

As she passed she made a simple motion for me to follow, which I obediently did, closing and locking the door behind me. Elizabeth walked unerringly to our kitchen and, when I joined her there, she was looking over our wine rack.

“Would you like a glass of wine?” I asked politely.

For some reason, I wanted to make sure that I pleased her.

“I do not drink wine, but I think that you should have a glass,” Elizabeth said and turned to hand me a full glass.

“Thank you,” I said politely and began to sip the wine.

I think that we stood in the kitchen talking, though I could not remember anything that we had discussed. I just knew that my head felt wonderfully fuzzy and that most of the bottle of wine that Elizabeth had opened was gone. The wine had put a pleasant warmth in my belly, but when I looked at Elizabeth and saw the way she was looking at me, that warmth spread throughout my body. I felt my nipples stiffen and tingle with need and my pussy released a flood of warmth and wetness.

“You are really quite lovely my poppet,” Elizabeth said as her eyes trailed over my body.

“You are the beautiful one,” I said with a boldness I didn’t know I possessed, “I wish I was just a tenth as beautiful as you are.”

“I can arrange that poppet. I can make you as beautiful as I am if you would like.”

“Really?” I stammered.

I had always been happy with my looks and proud of my body. But for some reason, with the perfection of Elizabeth standing before me, I longed to be just as beautiful as she was.

“Really,” she walked across the kitchen towards me. “Let me see what I have to work with. I don’t think you need that blouse anymore poppet,” Elizabeth said calmly.

Warning bells rang, something was wrong here. My mind again said that this was inappropriate and, for some reason I didn’t understand, dangerous. I was trying to voice these concerns when I looked down and realized that I had removed my blouse and was standing before this woman in just my skirt and a white lace bra.

“Yes, quite lovely,” She purred as she ran a finger over my chest.

My body quivered at her touch and I longed for her to touch my stiff nipples and more.

“I do not think that you need that skirt anymore either poppet,” she said as she stepped back.

My mind struggled with the fog that had filled it, struggled to voice my concerns about all of this, but before I could manage that, I realized that I was standing before Elizabeth in just a matching white lace bra and panty set.

“Your legs are exquisite my poppet,” Elizabeth purred. Her nostrils flared as she breathed in the air in the kitchen, “and your pussy smells divine.”

Hearing Elizabeth speak of my pussy caused it to flutter with heat and need.

“Have you ever been with a woman before?” she asked me.

My face flushed red and I stammered out a quiet, “No.”

For some reason, I now felt ashamed of this and I prayed that my answer would not displease Elizabeth.

“Have you ever thought of being with a woman?”

My face flushed redder and I shook my head no. This time I could feel that she was displeased with me.

Her voice went cold as she said, “No?”

Shame and fear filled me and I quickly said, “Well not until tonight, when I saw you at the airport.”

This answer changed her mood and I could feel that pleasure flow over me like a ray of sunlight.

“You are lovely my poppet, but I could make you beautiful, I could make you like me, if you come to bed with me. Would you like that?”

My heart filled with joy. This woman wanted to be with me! She wanted to make me like she was. Warning bells were tolling loud and clear in my mind, telling me that this is wrong, that I have a husband that I love and am faithful to, but I willfully ignored those thoughts as I took her hand and followed her to the bedroom. I longed to be with Elizabeth every bit as much as I longed for David.

When we reached the bedroom Elizabeth drew me to her and kissed me. It was nothing like kissing my husband and I moaned at how soft her lips felt against mine and how gently she slipped her tongue into my mouth. I felt Elizabeth’s hands on my back as she deftly unfastened my bra and our bodies separated just enough to let it fall to the ground. My sensitive nipples were rubbing against the silk of her suit, sending thrilling tremors coursing through my body.

When Elizabeth drew our kiss to a close I was panting like a bitch in heat. At that moment I would have let anyone do anything to me had Elizabeth told me to. Never in my life had I experienced this. Never in my life had I felt this much lust, this much need, this alive.

Elizabeth pointed to the foot of the bed and told me to sit. I quickly obeyed, still panting as I watched my goddess undress before me.

My eyes were focused on Elizabeth as she began a slow and sensuous striptease. She unbuttoned her suit jacket slowly, pausing after each button to see me breathlessly waiting for the next button to open. When the jacket was totally unfastened she slid it off of her shoulders and I realized that she wore nothing underneath the silk garment. As she calmly set it on the chair in the bedroom my eyes were glued to her breasts.

To me, they were the pinnacle of breasts, something every woman’s breasts longed to be. Large and round, they stood out proudly from her petite frame. Defiantly, they resisted gravity with not even the slightest thought of sag. Seeing them bare for the first time, my mind filled with images of my face buried in between them as I lovingly licked and sucked on their pale creamy flesh. Unbidden, I began to rise from the bed to go to them, but Elizabeth just gave me a stern look and I sat back down.

“Not yet poppet.”

Elizabeth turned her back, giving me a spectacular view of her round firm ass encased in the short, tight pencil skirt that she wore. She reached behind her and found its zipper, and she slowly drew it down. Then she gave her hips a little twitch and the skirt slipped free and pooled around her feet. As with her top, she wore nothing beneath the skirt. Elizabeth stepped back out of her skirt and then bent over at the waist to pick it up from the floor.

The view of her firm round ass and the delectable valley between her thighs was a nearly rapturous experience, and I longed for nothing more than to fall to my knees and worship her dewy hairless folds. From my first sight of her pussy, I knew that I could spend days, even weeks, lovingly cradled between her thighs as I explored her hot, wet treasure.

I somehow managed to contain my lust and need to remain sitting as Elizabeth folded her skirt and set it next to her jacket. I was glad that I had, because when she turned around and saw me waiting patiently, her smile of approval filled me with warmth and joy.

“Are you sure about this poppet?” Elizabeth asked in a silky voice as she strutted slowly across the room to stand before me.

Looking up into her bright green eyes I whispered, “Yes. I want to be with you more than anyone. I want to be just like you.”

Then I boldly reached out and ran my hand over the perfection of one of her breasts.

She closed her eyes in pleasure.

“Soon poppet. Soon you will get to explore and savour the joys of my body, but this first time is all about you. Lay back poppet,” Elizabeth instructed.

I moved back onto my marital bed and prepared myself for my lover, my female lover.

“I don’t think you’ll need these anymore,” Elizabeth purred.

Her gentle fingers slipped into the waistband of my panties and slid them off my ass and down my long legs. Now totally naked before my lover’s eyes, embarrassment flashed through me, and I moved my hands to cover my much smaller breasts and my full bush.

Elizabeth’s hands intercepted mine and stilled them.

“No poppet. You are beautiful, you should never try to hide this miraculous body of yours. All I will do is refine it a little and when we are done your beauty will make angels weep and make men fall on their knees before you.”

I blushed at her compliment and let her move my hands to my sides as she crawled onto the bed and on top of me.

I watched, entranced, as she approached me and drew in close for a kiss, and what a kiss it was. Her kiss was more satisfying than any orgasm I had experienced to that point in my life. Her soft wet lips closed on mine and her strong agile tongue explored my mouth. So much pleasure was coursing through my body from just that kiss that I arched beneath her, hungry for tighter harder contact between our bodies.

Our breasts were pressed tightly together, our sensitive nipples rubbing against one another, shooting thrills throughout my body. I could feel her strong thigh between mine and I found myself grinding my pussy against her, trying to apply any friction I could on my throbbing clit.

Elizabeth knew that I was aching for release, but she did not hurry or rush with me. She knew that this was my first time with another woman so she took her time and savored every inch of me. She continued to kiss me, with her pace slowly building as her hands ran up and down my sides and over my hips. My body was crying out, screaming for release. My mouth made whimpering sounds of need against hers, but still, Elizabeth moved slowly, driving my need higher and higher.

Elizabeth finally broke off her kiss and began to work her way down my quivering body. The attention she paid me seemed to go on for hours as she moved down my body. She took the time to completely explore my neck and shoulders. Her exploration of my breasts increased what I was feeling a thousandfold. She licked, sucked, and gently nipped my nipples. Finally, she moved on from my breasts, and I realized I was as tightly strung as a harp string, just needing one pluck to release the melodious rapture that was building up inside of me.

As she moved down across my stomach and hips, my clit throbbed and my pussy flowed like the Amazon river. It would only take her hot breath on my clit to make me explode. When she drew nearer to my pussy I began to whimper in expectation of my orgasmic release.

That was when she said, “Poppet, you are not allowed to cum until I say so. Trust me, it will be worth it.”

Not cum until she said so! I’ve been a hairsbreadth away from cumming for the last hour and I still had to control it. I knew that was what I would do. I could never do anything to disappoint Elizabeth.

With a shuttering breath, I said, “Okay.”

This made her smile, and she continued to kiss down between my legs. Her first lick was almost too much for me. I had to clench all my muscles to hold off my orgasm. The feeling of her wet tongue as it parted my swollen aroused lips, when it circled my opening and dipped into the river flowing from my pussy, as her tongue fluttered over my aching clit, it was too much, but I held on.

She continued to focus on my clit and each flick of her tongue sent waves of pleasure coursing through me. The sheets were balled up in my fists, every muscle of my body tight as I used every ounce of willpower I possessed to hold off my orgasm.

Finally, I looked down and saw Elizabeth’s bright eyes watching me.

“Ready poppet?”

“Yes!” I begged, “Yes, please! Let me cum!”

“You may cum now,” Elizabeth said as her mouth latched over my clit.

At first, I felt a flash of pain, as if something had just stabbed my clit, but that was soon washed away and replaced by what I can only call euphoria. Ladies imagine the pleasure of every single orgasm you have ever had. Now, add that pleasure together, and then multiply it by a million, and know that it would still be a fraction of the pleasure I felt as Elizabeth began to suck on my clit.

My world exploded into light. I felt weightless like I was floating upon a sea of pleasure. My ears were ringing, so I do not know how loud I cried out but as raw as my throat felt afterward, I’m guessing the entire neighborhood heard my cry of pleasure. Even better though, this orgasm didn’t stop. It went on for minutes, maybe even a half-hour as Elizabeth fed on me. Yes, that is right, fed on me.

By now I had realized that my lover was no human, but I didn’t care. All I cared about was the pleasure I was feeling. If it cost me my life I would consider it a small price to pay for this pleasure. My world that had been bright light when my orgasm began was dimming now and going dark as I felt my life draining out of me. I know that I should have been scared, but there was still unbelievable pleasure flowing through me and I found that I was not afraid. When Elizabeth was through with me, the world was dark, I could barely feel my heart beating and my breathing was weak.

Faintly I heard Elizabeth lick her lips.

“Oh poppet, what a child you will make. I’ve never tasted one as sweet as you. Together we will feed upon the rich and powerful of this world until we control a large portion of it. But for that to happen it is time for you to taste of my body.”

I could feel the bed shift as Elizabeth moved next to me and took my limp body in her arms. I felt something stiff brush my lips and I realized that it must be one of Elizabeth’s nipples. Flowing from her breast was sweet and salty ambrosia and without thinking my mouth latched onto her breast and I began to suckle, drinking in all of that delicious liquid. As I drank more and more of the liquid I felt a burning in my veins as my strength returned. As I drank I felt my body changing, my breasts swelled just a little, as they grew firmer and perkier. I felt my ass and hips take on a more pleasing curve, my lips above and below plumped to look more inviting. I could feel every little imperfection of my skin disappearing as it became as flawless as Elizabeth’s. But most of all I felt my canines elongating and sharpening.

As my vision returned I looked upon Elizabeth’s face, her eyes were glowing an emerald green as she gently held me to her breast like a child. I felt the flow of ambrosia fade and Elizabeth moved me from her arms.

“If you liked to drink from there, wait until you try it from here.”

Elizabeth spread her legs wide for me, showing me her hairless pussy completely for the first time. She then reached down and spread her lips and with a fingernail made a little nick on her clit. As blood began to flow from it I lunged forward hungrily to latch onto her clit and began to suck. Elizabeth let out a lusty moan of pleasure, one that I echoed. Everything I did to Elizabeth’s pussy was reflected in my own. I licked and sucked upon her clit until we both shared a mind-blowing orgasm.

Both of us were completely exhausted and we crawled into my bed where we held each other close as we began to drift off. Right before sleep took me a thought occurred to me, my blinds were open and the bedroom window faces east. I tried to thrash myself awake, to shake off the lethargy that had overtaken me. I had to close the blinds, but I heard Elizabeth’s voice soothe me.

“Relax my poppet, the sun will not hurt us. Rest now and tomorrow we will begin your schooling.”

Her voice calmed me and I again drift off towards sleep safe and protected in Elizabeth’s arms. I smiled just once before I fell asleep as I realized that neither of our hearts were beating and I thought to myself ‘It is amazing how in a blink of an eye the whole world can change.’

Continued here…



Sebastian Castile
Tantalizing Tales

I’ve been writing now for two years and I am trying to focus on romantic erotic encounters.