

Whose Reunion Is This, Anyway? (Part 3)

The action turns to my hotwife. I could do nothing while strapped to my chair.

Tantalizing Tales
Published in
10 min readMay 23, 2023


Ellis takes his hotwife, Melanie, to his 25th high school reunion, only to discover she knows more people than they realized. The three bullies that treated him so viciously in school, all at the reunion, turned out to know his wife from her years as a hotwife. As I sit naked, fastened to the chair, watching my wife and her bulls, I couldn’t help but wonder once again. Whose reunion is this, anyway?

Whose Reunion Is This, Anyway? A Medium Serial Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Being Taken By Her Men

Melanie finally could take no more, collapsing on the bed. I could see her lower half, completely coated with her arousal and their spunk, as she spread her legs for me to view. Her smile of pleasure shook me. My balls ached after going through so many cycles of hard and soft during that two hours.

While I watched her, Sam unfastened my hands from the chair, still leaving them attached behind my back. He reached down to undo my ankles, hauling me out of the chair, pushing me toward the bed.



GK Grayson
Tantalizing Tales

Author of erotica, in all manner of smutty kinks. And an overall swell guy. See more at