Taraxa Weekly Tech Update: 2019 Week 39

Justin Snapp
Taraxa Project
Published in
2 min readSep 30, 2019

This week’s major highlight was the launch of Albidum; the initial version release of our testnet. It was the culmination of a lot of late nights and a lot of hard work. Much more work remains to be done, and lots of improvements will be coming to Albidum and future launches. But it marks a major milestone for what will be increasingly a journey undertaken together with a growing Taraxa community.

Taraxacum albidum is a species of dandelion that grows in eastern Eurasia. A member of the Asteraceae, it is a perennial herbaceous plant native to the southern part of Japan.

Taraxa Explorer

  • Added server side logging
  • Added full block and transaction parameter api for saving data flow
  • Fixed chart api bugs due to version changing
  • Added node package to manage running local node and synchronize data with node
  • Identified some RPC method bugs and began fixing
  • Added search result highlighting
  • Updated block page to show more detailed info, including all transactions
  • Optimizations for a more stylish display of the DAG graph
  • Added graph legend
  • Adjusted node labels to only show last two when block level grows large
  • Pruned early period blocks from graph as it grows

DAG Layer

  • Worked to optimize ordering of nonce when broadcasting transactions and proposing blocks, and to catch nonce gaps
  • Refactored transaction insertion APIs to remove redundant RLP copy operations for performance improvement
  • Created transaction RLP cache map for memory optimization
  • Debugged test failures for some outstanding flakey integration tests
  • Fixed a bug dealing with DAG block height calculations
  • Continued to work on proper transaction nonce gap handling

PBFT Consensus and Execution Schedule Layer

  • Removed PBFT unverified block queue from PBFT chain class
  • Added unverified blocks table and parents blocks hash map
  • Pruned unverified blocks by parent hash for performance optimization
  • Modified unverified PBFT blocks pushing behavior
  • Added mutex locking for unverified blocks table
  • Changed economics model for sortition thresholding and player selection
  • Solved other outstanding PBFT issues for player syncing and bootstrapping identified in Albidum testing.

“Albidum” Testnet Release

Stay tuned.



Justin Snapp
Taraxa Project

CTO of Taraxa, a fast, scalable, and device-friendly public ledger designed to help IoT ecosystems become more trusted, autonomous, and valuable.