Taraxa Weekly Tech Update: 2019 Week 42

Justin Snapp
Taraxa Project
Published in
2 min readOct 21, 2019

This week saw the merge of a major codebase refactoring for an improved full node lifecycle and code verification, as well as the start of our second two-week sprint towards an updated testnet at the end of the month. We continue our work to build off the successful completion of our previous big push to reach the launch of Albidum; the initial version release of our testnet.

Continuing in our scheme of testnet versions named after dandelion species, we plan to follow that up with the launch of an updated version Aphrogenes by the end of October.

Taraxa Explorer

  • Fixed issues with mobile responsiveness
  • Updated DAG graph legend
  • Fixed DAG graph position in history mode
  • Added number formatting
  • Separated frontend and backend repos and created a lite explorer repo
  • Fixed config file bugs
  • Removed web3.js dependencies
  • Updated readme documentation
  • Added environment variables for easy deployment via docker

Taraxa Full Node Codebase

  • Completed merge of major refactoring of the code and node lifecyle
  • Enabled additional nonce validation checks
  • Fixed related nonce tests
  • Fixed unit tests related to improper cleanup of FullNode and subcomponent classes
  • Fixed bug in boot node connection retry
  • Refactored several FullNode unit tests to be more specific in test coverage
  • Added a taraxa-vdf (verifiable delay function) to code base

PBFT Consensus and Execution Schedule Layer

  • Wrote RLP serialization for PBFT vote class
  • Worked on certificate production and database store
  • Implemented PBFT chain persistency into table and database
  • Pruned additional PBFT data in cache tables

Internal Cluster Testing

  • Finished preliminary tests for node partition scenarios
  • Working to integrate Taraxa explorer into all cluster tests at scale for improved performance visualization and explorer stress testing

Stay tuned.



Justin Snapp
Taraxa Project

CTO of Taraxa, a fast, scalable, and device-friendly public ledger designed to help IoT ecosystems become more trusted, autonomous, and valuable.