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Augmented Reality

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AR is not the product

Just read this column on the future of Augmented Reality (AR) in relation to the marketing thingys made with it right now.

Now, I’ll grant that all of these are marketing gimmicks. They’re probably not meant to be anything more. But let’s just step back and call a…

2010 the year with new focus and service attitude

It is a tradition on my blog to give some predictions on the coming year. See these for 2009 and 2008 (both in Dutch). I will not look back in detail to see if the predictions came true, in the end it is more a residu of my thinking of that…

Twitter in a singularity ecosystem

This weekend there was an interesting conference in New York on the concept of singularity. I did not attend the conference, but read some reports on it. The whole idea of singularity, where the power of computer intelligence is heading up or even overtaking our own…

Can Layar become an on-the-road-search tool?

You all know Layar of course, it can’t be missed. The new tool made by SPRX Mobile is as the say themselves ‘the first mobile augmented reality browser’. Next week there will be a first devcamp with Bruce Sterling setting the context. And that is…

Aurora mergt browser met device

Deze dagen is Adaptive Path in het nieuws met een nieuw concept dat voor Mozilla Labs is gemaakt. In een aantal cheezy video’s met toelichting door Jesse James Garreth wordt het concept toegelicht. Wat ik (onder andere) interessant vind is de manier waarop browser en device…