Taxa Monthly Highlights for April 2020

The Taxa Team
Taxa Network
Published in
1 min readMay 6, 2020

Dear Community,

During lockdown, we’re focusing on developing Taxa Devnet and Mainnet.

The development of Taxa Devnet is complete. We’ve rescheduled the release date from April to another date in the near future. Please stay tuned by following the technical discussions in Taxa Discord, or Twitter.

To know more about this upcoming release, and the grants program coming along, please check out here.

Below please find a briefing of Taxa’s technology development in April.


Taxa Core:

  • Built a new version of VM images for deploying Taxa’s TEE-enabled computing nodes on public clouds;
  • Optimized the RPC protocol between Taxa Core and API services of Taxa nodes.

Taxa SDK:

  • Implemented an optimized workflow on the Devnet version of Taxa SDK;
  • Updated the SDK section in DevNet documentation.

Taxa P2P Network:

  • Fixed bugs on test runs;
  • Implemented an improved file synchronizing solution for Taxa Mainnet.

Till next time,

Team Taxa

We continue to hire great minds in research, engineering, operations, and communication to actualize Taxa’s vision together.

Current openings:

Connect with us: Website | Twitter | Discord| Telegram | Meetup



The Taxa Team
Taxa Network

Performance, Privacy & Usability for Every Blockchain