Road to Kickstarter Episode #3 — The obstacles on our way, and how to handle them

Tommaso De Benetti
On Crowdfunding


Daniel Comerci’s moodboard study for Rebirth.

In 2021, through my label The World Anvil Publishing (TWA), I’m going to launch a new tabletop RPG game on Kickstarter, Evolution Pulse Rebirth, for the English market. This series of articles documents the process from now to Day 1 of the campaign.

Previous Episodes:
Episode #1 | Episode #2

The previous article explored what are the measurable objectives for both the crowdfunding campaign for Evolution Pulse Rebirth and the overall project — in short, why are we even doing this thing. If you missed it, go back and read it!

With those objectives established, we’ll get now to the juicy part of our ROP (Rebirth Operational Plan): the obstacles on our way, and what resources do we have at our disposal to overcome them.

Six problems to solve

The way I laid the Obstacles out the ROP is an initial slide with all the Obstacles, and then an additional slide for each Obstacle where I also list potential ways around it. That seems to be an excellent way to present these issues, so I guess I’ll do the same here. These are the categories I identified:

  • Do we have the right product? I’ll admit, this is a bit of a quintessential question, and it doesn’t…



Tommaso De Benetti
On Crowdfunding

Short, dark and Italian: an espresso. Sometime I have things to say. Follow here or on Twitter @tdebenetti, @writingbold or @theworldanvil