TE-FOOD Progress Report 4.

Published in
3 min readJul 16, 2018

Again a busy month with Kucoin listing, CAL token economics, and two interesting partners.

Partnership with Deloitte

As part of our strategy, we are seeking for partners for sales and implementation of TE-FOOD. With Deloitte, we found a partner which is a long term trusted supplier of governments and food companies, and able to assist and consult them to mitigate the risks of a food traceability implementation, and provide an exceptional solution.


Tracking Wyoming beef

TE-FOOD partnered with Wyoming Certified Beef LLC, the operator of BeefChain.io to provide farm-to-table traceability solution for the Wyoming beef industry. The traditions of free range cattle breeding has a history of over 150 years in Wyoming. There are 11 400 ranches in the state, and the premium Wyoming beef is in high demand in many countries.

Providing farm-to-table traceability enables ranchers to comply with the import requirements of their export markets, and to avoid tampering their products by providing proof of origin.

In May and June, 2018, ranchers started to track more than 800 cattles on blockchain.


Masternode announcement and token economics of the second token

TE-FOOD announced a two-token economy:

The token economy introduces the use of masternodes for various services. There will be three masternode tiers and one special tier. Each tier will give different kind of service to the network.

  • Iridium — a virtual node, where node operators can rent out their TFD token licences.
  • Steel — masternode to run interfaces (between TE-FOOD client and its own blockchain or a third-party blockchain (e.g. Vechain, WaltonChain).
  • Platinum — masternode to provide interfaces and validate transactions on TE-FOOD’s own blockchain.
  • Titanium — masternode to run all services of TE-FOOD.

KuCoin listing

TFD has been listed on KuCoin, one of the most progressive crypto exchanges.

Vietnam Blockchain Summit

Dr. Trung Dao Ha speaks on the Vietnam Blockchain Summit about food traceability on blockchain.

Dr. Trung Dao Ha in white shirt

Budapest Africa Forum 2018

Several leading African government officials attended on the Budapest Africa Forum 2018, where TE-FOOD exhibited and was presented by Laurel Group’s leader Istvan Bessenyei, as well as our associate Gergely Koves.

TE-FOOD is the world’s largest publicly accessible, farm-to-table fresh food traceability solution. Started in 2016, it serves 6000+ business customers, and handles 400,000 business transactions each day.

Website: www.te-food.com

Telegram group: https://t.me/tefood
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TE_FOOD
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/TE_FOOD/



Editor for

TE-FOOD is the world’s largest publicly accessible, blockchain based farm-to-table food traceability system.