Secret Life of Birds

In my garden

Christine Morris Ph.D.
Tea with Mother Nature
2 min readJun 30, 2022


Photo by M.

Since I have been sleeping longer in the mornings, M. fills the bird feeders in the garden. He took a photo for me to see on waking, to reassure me. He is a smoker and doesn’t always sleep well. He often wakes very early and goes outside to smoke. So, now he sees things I no longer can.

We spread the feeders around three mature trees. He photographed this simply so that I would not hurry. He moved some afterwards.

Photo by M.

M. gets to watch the birds bathing. They like clean water rather than water with leaves in or other floral debris. I enjoy watching them drink, but M. is often up far earlier than I and tells me what he’s watched. I love these conversations as he is appreciating nature much more since I gave him a home.

M. is much taller than I am so the angle of these photos is different to mine. It feels strange to post someone else’s pictures of my garden, but as I’m not well at present, I still want to post about my garden.

Birds that are regular visitors to my garden are Blue Tits, House Martins, Sparrows, the occasional Black Clap, and Chiff Chaff.

You can read about how M. came to live with me here:

The No Longer Homeless Man. He shares my home

As always, a big thank you to Jane Frost (Jane Grows Garden Rooms) for this wonderful publication, and to Dennett who gave my posts a home while Jane was moving.



Christine Morris Ph.D.
Tea with Mother Nature

A life lived deliberately. Degrees earned. Experience. Poet, traveler, living with life limiting illness.