Every Child Matters

New Parents: Don’t Panic, Just Baby-Proof The Home.

Dealing with the anxiety of being a new parent.

Solomon —The New Dad
3 min readJun 21, 2020
Photo by Jasmin Sessler on Unsplash

Parenting is synonymous with being an Entrepreneur. Think about it, both require your full attention over a considerable time frame. But unlike running a business, you are on the hook for the rest of your life.

As a new parent, I quickly learned that this full-time job is not easy. It requires a stable home, a superb family support system, and a considerable amount of time. Even with all that support exist, you’ll never be fully ready for the journey.

While I’m happy to be a parent, my mental health wasn’t. Somehow my panic level increased during the past year without me consciously realizing what had happened. Looking back, I believed that my failure to baby-proof the apartment from early was my #1 trigger.

This resulted in too many unwanted incidents popping up around the house. Which ultimately led to me taking incorrect action during a state of panic. Here is what happened.

My Experience

Don’t panic, you’ll be fine— those were some of the feedback I got from other parents. But how could I not? Having watched my tiny human hit the pavement wasn’t a pleasant sight. He began running into walls and even fell off the couch. Then I read about the complications associated with a child falling too often. As if that wasn’t enough, he started to tug on the cabinet draws. Then there were the wall sockets; he fiddles with them non-stop.

My child was exploring and so I panicked.

As any parent would, I started taking action. My first approach was to remove him from any situation I consider harmful. Then I convinced my wife to not let him visit areas where he previously had an accident; an in-house virtual DMZ zone for my son. Still not done.

Somehow he found other ways of bumping into stuff. In search of a new solution, I went through another round of SWAT analysis. This constant radar-like scanning for danger became stressful and unbearable. I became frustrated and quickly shut down any idea I believed to be too “risky” for my son. This was during a time when my wife’s postpartum depression peaked and my son’s eczema was visible.

Looking back, I did it all wrong. An avoid situation became unbearable all due to my lack of proper preparation.

Tips To Help You Cope

Any form of panic attack puts the body in a state of emergency. Furthermore, regular attacks may trigger a wide variety of unwanted health-related issues. For example panic attack disorders or anxiety disorder. Avoiding these pitfalls may help you have a pleasant experience as a new parent. Here are a few suggested tips:

First, the baby-proofing tips.

  • Add wall socket protectors to all unused outlets.
  • Add safety locks to draws.
  • Use safety gates to restrict access to other areas. Where possible, keep doors closed.
  • Create a free space where the child can run and explore.
  • Remove toys and other items that are on the floor.
  • For wooden floors, clean up all spills immediately.
  • Remove harmful items from your baby’s exploration zone.

Tips to keep you sane.

  • Breathe and relax. You would be surprised how powerful this suggestion is. Instead of immediately reacting to an incident, taking a few seconds to breathe could impact the outcome. Your child will stumble and fall.
  • Get enough sleep. You’re doing a life long marathon, getting adequate rest is crucial.
  • Stay active. Even though you’re busy taking care of your newborn going for a short walk is helpful.
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and cigarettes. First, you should avoid these while having a newborn. The science is clear but the decision is yours to make.

Friends, trust me when I say that those small incidents can trigger you in ways you’ve never thought possible. It is not healthy for you, your spouse, or your child. Being a parent is stressful enough, do the little things that will reduce the burden.

Happy Father’s Day (when it comes). Walk good until next time.

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Solomon —The New Dad

Wow, I’m a dad! Join me as I share my experiences with my son who has eczema, allergic to milk, soy and non-cotton fabric. Parenting is hard stuff!