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Team Human
Team Human
Team Human is a manifesto — a fiery distillation of preeminent digital theorist Douglas Rushkoff’s most urgent thoughts on civilization and human nature.
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A crowd forms the shape of a DNA model.

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We Are Not the Virus. We Are the Kamikazes.

Covid-19 may be our final…

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Operation Mindfuck 2.0

The hippies’ effort to destabilize the American…

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Time for Progressives to Stop Shaming One Another

We need to welcome the…

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This Time, It’s Personal

How digital technology alienates you from your…

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It’s Not About Trump

How the left succumbed to the cult of Trump

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What If Mark Zuckerberg Had Stayed in School?

Two more years at Harvard…

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Selling the Green New Deal With Positivity

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The Power of Not Retweeting

I was outraged by a tweet. I didn’t share it.