Go to Team PinkFish
Team PinkFish
A Makers Academy team making a Facebook clone using Ruby on Rails.
Note from the editor

A Makers Academy team making a Facebook clone using Ruby on Rails.

Go to the profile of Christopher Ly
Christopher Ly
Crafting software at Spektrix. Makers alumnus. Enjoys problem solving in fighting games and lifting heavy weights (and quietly setting them back down).
Go to the profile of Richard Hewitt
Go to the profile of Chiaki Mizuta
Chiaki Mizuta
Ex Pastry Chef, Makers Academy graduate. Love AI/ML/Data. Made in Japan.
Go to the profile of Reena Koudi
Reena Koudi
Full Stack Developer
Go to the profile of Hemesh Unka
Hemesh Unka
Bravin’ the seven seas @ Makers Academy