Be Prepared

One thing I think is very beneficial to teamwork is your preparedness. You need to come ready.

I think that the more prepared you are prior to working with your teammates, the more productive you will be.

I have recently began thinking how I could do this and help myself in teams within my life. I thought about what I could do in my everyday life, the simple things that make a big difference. I thought about how in MGG 303 we work in teams every class. I thought about how I could be better and what I needed to do to accomplish this.

I came to a simple conclusion. Be the most prepared.

We are usually assigned reading that we will discuss in class with our teams. Instead of just simply reading the pages, I actively read them and took notes.

When the next class began and we got into our teams I was very ready to discuss. I was not only able to expand on my own knowledge, but I was able to help answer questions my partners had.

My plan to be the most prepared not only benefited me, but also my teammates, leading to a much more productive conversation. Because I practiced a very easy and simple strategy, we all benefited.

Being prepared helped me to lead my group better. In Evan Powell’s blog about leadership, he writes that, “the ultimate goal as a leader, is to be able to work well with your peers while also pushing them to achieve higher goals you know they can reach.” By becoming the most prepared in your team you are pushing yourself and them.

You help everyone and get more done. That is a leader. At the end of the day, if you are being an effective leader, you are very good team member.

Your preparedness helps everyone, not just you.

Be prepared!

Powell, E. (2017, September 22). What Leadership Is. [Blog post]. Retrieved from

