Go to TECH 2025
TECH 2025
The platform and community for professionals to learn about the most disruptive emerging technologies that will change our world in the next 10 years.
Note from the editor

The platform and community for professionals to learn about the most disruptive emerging technologies that will change our world in the next 10 years.

Go to the profile of Charlie Oliver
Charlie Oliver
Founder @ServedFresh™ and @JoinTech2025. Strategist. Transitionist. Advisor. AI/Machine Learning. Unapologetic instigator of provocative discourse. INTP
Go to the profile of TECH 2025
TECH 2025
Community, workshops, and live events on how the most disruptive emerging technologies will change our world in the next 10 years. #tech2025
Go to the profile of Adam S
Adam S
Program Associate at @TheNextSystem Project; Founder & Director at @Future_Left. Concerned w/ democratizing the future. Opinions mine.
Go to the profile of Joyce J. Shen
Joyce J. Shen
Joyce is a venture capital investor. Joyce's technical expertise centers around emerging technologies, machine learning & AI, data economy, and cybersecurity.
Go to the profile of Eric Legaspi
Go to the profile of Brian Rogers
Brian Rogers
Information maniac
Go to the profile of Ed Maguire