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Autonomous Vehicles News — 05–03–2021

News about Autonomous Vehicles

Jair Ribeiro
Published in
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4 min readMar 5, 2021



  1. Israeli Justice Ministry Lays Out Key Questions On Regulation Of Autonomous VehiclesKey Points · No legal entity: The actions of an autonomous vehicle are controlled by a computer/technology that is not a natural or legal person. · Difficult …
  2. $476000 grant for autonomous vehicle research coming to University of Michigan — The money will help develop cybersecurity defense technology to protect connected autonomous vehicles, as well as to prototype the proposed …
  3. No driver needed: Waymo rolls out fully autonomous vehicles in Chandler, Tempe, Mesa areas — Waymo rolling out fully autonomous vehicles in parts of the East Valley · Waymo bringing self-driving trucks to Phoenix area …
  4. MOBI Members Constellation Network, GM and Ford Develop DLT Data Sharing Standard for … — “In the context of self-driving cars, DLT that is infinitely scalable is simply the only answer to the delicate balance of guaranteeing user privacy while …
  5. Autonomous vehicles are a bigger challenge than predictedAutonomous vehicles offer more than a like-for-like switch with human operated machines, but rather whole new business models and customer …
  6. Heavy rain affects object detection by autonomous vehicle LiDAR sensors — Future fully autonomous vehicles will rely on sensors to operate, one type of these sensors is LiDAR; LiDAR sensor’s effectiveness in detecting objects …
  7. Study has implications for autonomous vehicles and robots programmed by humans — A new study by computer scientists found that when individuals in an experiment about autonomous vehicles were informed that their peers were …
  8. Autonomous vehicles must be safe for pedestrians before they become mainstream — Current sensor accuracy is still limited when it comes to detecting smaller objects like pedestrians or bicycles. And driverless car systems …
  9. Driving on the cutting edge of autonomous vehicle tech — The Indy Autonomous Challenge (IAC) is the world’s first head-to-head, high-speed autonomous race. It offers MIT Driverless a chance to grab a piece of …
  10. Waymo rolling out fully autonomous vehicles in parts of the East Valley — The company went fully autonomous in the new year after working on their product for the last 11 years. Posted just in.
  11. Deep Learning-based Perception, Planning and Control for Autonomous Vehicles | Frontiers …Autonomous Vehicles have attracted great interest in recent years. To achieve autonomy, a navigation task for autonomous vehicles is usually divided …
  12. Exploring the Mechanism of Crashes with Autonomous Vehicles Using Machine Learning — Hindawi — Besides, drivers should be careful when driving near intersections, especially in the autonomous driving mode. 1. Introduction. In recent years, academia …
  13. Autonomous driving technologies explained | IAG Limited — And while it will be some time before we see fully autonomous vehicles, many drivers can already experience a range of technologies designed to …
  14. Aebi Schmidt offering autonomous utility vehicles | S-GE — The utility vehicles manufacturer Aebi Schmidt has developed self-driving vehicles for use at airports. For example, runway clearing vehicles can be …

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Jair Ribeiro
The AI Enthusiast

Top #5 Global AI Thought Leader, Father, Writer, and Reader