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Bz Skits
Commentary on Business Life
Note from the editor

Life in the Information Age is a collection of articles on some of the big information, business and tech related news. We’re passionate about educating business on data & numerical literacy, as well as best practise systems engineering. If you want to know more about us, visit us at www.axelisys.co.uk

Go to the profile of Ethar Alali
Ethar Alali
EA, Stats, Math & Code into a fizz of a biz or two. Founder: Automedi & Axelisys. Proud Manc. Citizen of the World. I’ve been busy
Go to the profile of Axelisys
Tech Advisers & ICT Strategists. Evolving fitter places, one transition at a time.
Go to the profile of Ethar Alali
Ethar Alali
EA, Stats, Math & Code into a fizz of a biz or two. Founder: Automedi & Axelisys. Proud Manc. Citizen of the World. I’ve been busy