Google Announced Official Kotlin Multiplatform Support

Is Flutter in danger?

Yanneck Reiß
Tech Takeaways


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Breaking news from Google I/O 2024! Google has dropped a bombshell by announcing its official support for Kotlin Multiplatform. This game-changer for all mobile developers out there is revolutionizing how we approach mobile and cross-platform development in general. Stay tuned to discover what this means for you, your workflow, and the future of Flutter.

This article is also available as a YouTube video

Even though Kotlin Multiplatform, or, in short, KMP, only became stable a few months ago, many of us have already been using it to share our code across Android, iOS, web, or even desktop. While the framework is still somewhat new in the game, with Google’s official backing, we can move forward more confidently into KMP’s future.

Google has now backed the framework, announcing official support at the Developers Keynote and in a blog post as part of Google I/O 2024. But that’s not the only resource; Kotlin Multiplatform is now also mentioned in a…



Yanneck Reiß
Tech Takeaways

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