How To Perform OAuth 2.0 Authorization With Postman

Setting up Postman for processing an authorization flow

Yanneck Reiß
Tech Takeaways


Photo by Markus Winkler from Pexels

This article will take a look at Postman’s Authorization feature and how we can log in at an identify provider (IDP) like KeyCloak, Google Identity Services, or even the new Spring Authorization Server.

In the following, we will see an example of how we can set up our Postman collection for automatically executing the OAuth 2.0 flow and adding the received access token to our requests.

Note: this article is a follow up to my article on how to implement the “new Spring Authorization Server with Kotlin”. Nevertheless, you can just replace the respective fields with the matching ones from your IDP.


Simplified, Postman is a tool that supports you in the process of building and using APIs. You can build a collection of requests of your interest from a specific API, share the collection with your colleagues and therefore massively improve your workflow.



Yanneck Reiß
Tech Takeaways

Follow me on my journey as a professional mobile and fullstack developer