Migrating My App To Android 13

Lessons Learned from updating my app to targetSdkVersion 33

Yanneck Reiß
Tech Takeaways


Background photo by Martin Péchy from Pexels

As another year passes, a new Android release knocks on the door. As you can see in the release plan from the screenshot below, we are right before the final release of Android 13.

That said, to prepare my App Daffi — Daily Affirmations to support the new target SDK level 33, I have already gone through the migration progress.

In this article, just as last year, I share my personal experiences and lessons learned from this migration process.

1 Target API Level

The first step in the process of migrating your app to the new target API level is to update your build.gradle parameters.

If your app already complies with the annual target API level update policy, your app is on target SDK 31 (Android 12) or even SDK 32 (Android 12 L).

To support Android 13, you just need to go to your app-level build.gradle and set the targetSdkVersionas well as the compileSdkVersion to the…



Yanneck Reiß
Tech Takeaways

Follow me on my journey as a professional mobile and fullstack developer