How to Write Engaging Blog Posts on Uninspiring Topics

Tanja Trkulja
Published in
4 min readFeb 20, 2018

Boost your writing skills even when blog post topics fail to click with you at first.

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What’s an (un)inspiring blog topic for a writer and a reader is a completely individual thing. After all, we all belong to different niches and industries, with a variety of different interests, skills, and knowledge. However, there always comes a time when you need to write about something that simply doesn’t get you excited. And it is still necessary to do your best in order to craft engaging blog posts on uninspiring topics. So, what is it that you can do to achieve this, and fight away the monotony from your writing?

Why write uninspiring content at all?

As mentioned, what’s inspiring to you may be uninspiring to someone else, and vice versa. Sometimes, you may have topics you really enjoy writing about, and some that bore you even within the same niche. However, your target audience may expect you to deliver on certain topics in order to learn more from you. Essentially, the readers are the main reason for creating valuable content. And, if they need to know about something that your blog discusses, it’s up to you to do exactly that.

Play with the title creation

A certain topic may sound boring and uninspiring, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t make it more interesting. A simple way to do this is to come up with the engaging and personally interesting post title. That way you can boost your productivity and encourage yourself to find the most compelling aspects of the topic. It will also help you set the tone in a manner that suits you and your blog the best.

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Think about your readers

Obviously, you wouldn’t choose a topic that doesn’t get your creative juices flowing all too often; but, your readers are the ones that want to learn more, and it’s up to you to come up with engaging blog posts on uninspiring topics. Therefore, try to do some more research in order to understand why your readers find these topics so valuable and interesting. By putting yourself in their shoes, you just may be able to grasp the importance and usefulness of certain topics, which will, in turn, help you get pumped for some meaningful writing.

Conversational writing style works the best

We all tend to lose the relaxed, friendly and conversational tone when it comes to writing topics we find boring. What’s more, really long and complicated sentences, and overly impersonal and formal writing style seem to emerge, as if you were writing a thesis. Don’t let your mind trick you like this. Write as if you were talking to a friend, in a fun yet understandable manner, so that you can enjoy explaining things to your readers, and your readers can enjoy reading your content. By being enthusiastic and friendly in your writing style, you’ll effectively engage the readers.

Don’t be afraid to add a touch of humor

Humor is always a great addition to a drier and a bit boring topic. However, if you want to write engaging blog posts on uninspiring topics with the help of humor successfully, you need to be careful about the way you use jokes and other humorous statements. Avoid taboo subjects and be sensitive. Of course, don’t forget that the main purpose of your posts is to provide valuable information. With that in mind, use humor sparingly, but use it to the best of your ability. Readers will be able to remember your content better when they have fun reading it. Essentially, combine this tip with the previous one, and talk to your readers in a naturally humorous (never forced) and conversational way to boost engagement.

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Engaging blog posts on uninspiring topics have visuals

Don’t expect high engagement rate on even the most interesting blog posts if you fail to provide proper visuals to break the text, and make the whole copy more pleasant to read and/or skim through. Images are the easiest way to make your posts more inspiring, and with the help of free stock photography websites, you won’t have much problem with finding images that suit your topics. Still, if you have the option of creating your own images, you should definitely go for it. Aside from images, you can also add videos, gifs as well as infographics to your posts, in order to make them more meaningful, fun, and, most importantly, engaging.

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Topics that may be uninspiring to you, or to your readership are bound to come up from time to time. However, you can’t disregard the need for quality info when it comes to these topics as well. This is why it’s up to you to make the most out of what you have to work with — do your research, utilize the above-mentioned tips, and allow yourself to enjoy writing, so that you can provide the right info in a way readers will find compelling and easy to understand.



Tanja Trkulja

Content writer at TechBear, nature and written word enthusiast, avid anime watcher, a Hufflepuff, and a Whovian.