5 Best Technology Tools to Engage Students

Pavan Yadav
Published in
3 min readNov 30, 2022

Generally, it is noticed that technology distracts students. You must have seen teenagers around you glued to their mobile phones all the time. Even while having meals or answering nature’s calls, their eyes are on the screen of their phones. It’s not technology to be blamed for all this. It’s the choice of technology that has created such a nuisance around us.

If chosen wisely, technology can help students take their learning to the next level. Many technology tools can help students to enhance their creative skills. However, engaging the student is a difficult task. Therefore, to make these tools engaging, they are developed to interact with the students.

This article has rounded up some of the best technology tools to engage, motivate, and deepen students’ knowledge.

  1. Logitech Pen or Logitech Crayon

Often students need to pay more attention to taking essential notes. To make note-taking more exciting and collaborative for students, Logitech has come up with Logitech Pen and Logitech Crayon. Logitech Pen is designed for Chromebook, whereas Logitech Crayon is for iPad. These note-taking tools will help students write, sketch, annotate, and draw digitally while retaining the benefits of taking handwritten notes.

2. Augmented Reality

This technology allows students to blend virtual Reality with real life to create unforgettable experiences. Currently, there are lots of AR apps available. Some notable ones are Adobe Aero, 3D Brush, Sky Guide, Complete Anatomy, AR Pianist, etc. These AR tools will help students get familiarized with the latest technologies while eliminating boredom in the classroom.

3. Kidblog for Budding Writers

For those parents who want to see their kids as writers or journalists, Kidblog is a great tool in the form of a platform. Writing is not a talent that any child possesses by birth. It’s like a muscle that has to be developed through practice. On the Kidblog platform, students can publish their articles, essays, blogs, etc., consistently. It even allows them to share their content with friends, fellow students, or students worldwide.

4. Google Forms

Google Forms allows students to ask questions and get feedback. This is the most straightforward technology tool on the list to engage students. No doubt, there are many other ways to do so, but Google Forms is free, universally accessible, and very engaging for students. Even teachers can use them to get students’ feedback regarding the lessons taught in the classroom. This will help create and improve a healthy student-teacher relationship where even backbenchers or shy students can share their thoughts or views.

5. iClicker

iClicker is a tool that can help teachers in evaluating students. This tool enables teachers to project questions on the screen. The students reply to those questions using their mobile devices or remotes. The teacher receives the answers of students on their mobile phone screens. The teacher can see which students gave the correct answer and which did not. It is not an innovative educational tool, but its ease of use makes it a helpful tool that can be used daily in the classroom. iClicker is available on a monthly subscription basis, but it is worth it as it engages every single student in the class.


There are many other technology tools to keep students engaged. No matter which tool you use, the most important thing to keep in mind is to stay updated and use technology for the betterment of students.

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Pavan Yadav

Writer and editor of creative, professional, and digital content related to general technology, travel, and education. 20+ yrs of writing and editing experience