Building the Future Tech Gurus at NGIC

Hassan Sani
Tech Meet Up
Published in
4 min readOct 20, 2017

This shouldn’t be long

I had just stepped out of We Code October Tech Meet Up, I didn’t even wait for the last speaker, we drove for about an hour in very hot sun heading to a school, I’ve heard a lot about it and the massive contribution to push ICT forward but as you know Seeing is believing.

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Nigeria Ghana International College, Kuje Abuja. Here we took it back to the classrooms

Have you ever been to a place where you were obviously the stranger, Your dressing, your walk, your talk even your height yet you were so welcome you feel you were right at home, welcome to NGIC. On our arrival we were taken to the school’s CBT, I wouldn’t compare it with Google or Microsoft but it was high-class, I did an eye count and I am sure I saw 3 classrooms with about 500 desktops each and I think I won’t be lying if I said every student also has a laptop. So why the 500 Desktops you ask? JAMB uses the schools ICT facilities for UTME exams, by now you should know why I felt so welcome, computers and me that’s a perfect marriage.

Taking Programming back to the Classroom

Mr. Waziri who introduced us to the school and the very friendly ICT teacher Mr. Abbas took us round the school and set the Dinning hall for our event. Our aim of visit was to give an interactive session with the Students on Programming and Tech Career Guide.

If I was to make this article about us it won’t be fair but still just a little brief, my co-founder Ahmad Abdul Aziz took the first stage, his topic was Introduction to Programming no bias but even I didn’t expect to learn so much from this guy, my topic was Career Guide in Techs, and there I learned no matter where the stage is, it always a stage there is no prescriptions to it.

I said this is not about us. Now by the time we were done with out boring topics, I had made an amazing friend who didn’t want anything to do with programming, when I asked what he wish to be in future he said he wish to be a Gynecologist the amazing part was when he mentioned he want to become a ‘Gynecologist so he can teach others how to be a Gynecologist,’ that there defeated me in every aspect.

The Future Gynecologist

More to my defeat were the presentations by a few students, the first was a student who build a program that determine the highest number through some input of array using Java programing language.

the second was an animator, you do watch the openings in most Marvel movies the logo entrance, let just say there is a better way to do that and this kid found it and yes also Dr. Strange should take some lesson from this kid.

and the final was a girl, a graphic designer and a very good one, she redesigned Facebook, Beats by Dre, Apple and lots more.

By the time we were done we had switched from strangers to friends, we even exchanged Instagram names and I am definitely going back, next time we are coding.

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Hassan Sani
Tech Meet Up

Husband, (We have twins). JavaScript Developer, member of Node.Js Foundation, Co Chair of Node.js Africa.