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MindTickle is the world’s leading sales readiness platform that gives you the power to ramp up new reps faster, coach them effectively, keep them updated and create a culture of sales excellence. MindTickle is also home to one of the world’s most transparent and unique culture.
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Go to the profile of Abhijit Bhole
Go to the profile of Abhijit Bhole
Abhijit Bhole
Engineering, Product and Research @ MindTickle
Go to the profile of Anjali Lal
Go to the profile of Rajneesh Malik
Go to the profile of Ramakrishna
JavaScript Dev @MindTickle
Go to the profile of Rishi Sharma
Rishi Sharma
Software Development Engineer @ Mindtickle
Go to the profile of Anshit Chaudhary
Go to the profile of Somya Anand
Somya Anand
Machine learning engineer@TextIQ, I am passionate about applied research and AI interpretability. I like to create things. Love for history, travel and art.
Go to the profile of Rahul Agrawal
Go to the profile of Neeraj Sharma
Go to the profile of Monica Gangwar
Monica Gangwar
Full Stack Engineer @ Mindtickle | Ex-Mckinsey | DTU 2016
Go to the profile of Aseem Khare
Go to the profile of Abhishek Umrao
Abhishek Umrao
I am a Product Designer & an occasional trekker, who loves playing and watching football // Gaming // Technology // Cars // Travel // More at abhishekumrao.com
Go to the profile of Anjali Lal
Anjali Lal
Very weird of me to re-direct you to another blogging site but yeah, check out my blog at thedeludedsoul.wordpress.com
Go to the profile of Avirup M
Avirup M
Data Analyst in the making, challenge-finisher with an appetite for adventure!
Go to the profile of Vikalp Singh
Go to the profile of Himanshu Bansal
Himanshu Bansal
Design Lead @ MindTickle