26 People Read My Recent Medium Story. Here’s What Made This Happened

A complete breakdown of what and why worked.

Sumanpreet Kaur
3 min readApr 8, 2024


Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

When the average read of my medium stories is 10 (only).

This story was viewed by 84 people, read by 36, and clapped by 26.

I was amazed and ecstatic seeing how people were relating and getting insights from the real takeaways I shared.

In the last 5 months, this was my best-performing story. So, here I’m breaking down this story for why 84 humans clicked to read it:

1) Give them a strong reason to read

A large chunk of my created content is ignored even if it contains insane value only because of this one factor:

Weak headlines.

That I’ve faced a lot.

What was different in this medium story was the usage of power words.

After all, people want to feel better and empowered. Let your headlines do this to catch their attention and make them click.

2) The real, raw, and actionable content

Imagine you’re feeling low and don’t feel like working, meanwhile, you’re writing about productivity tips and how to be successful.

Is it justiceable with your audience and yourself?

This is what we, as writers, make a mistake in the beginning.

Convey what real you have: emotional state, a big idea, or realization — turning in a particular angle to help your audience.

So, in this story, I shared my morning routine incorporating the different activities.

That’s what supporting me in my routine since the beginning of this year.

So, why not unveil experience-based content that’s actionable and relatable?

3) “It’s so simple.”

That’s what most people said in the comments.

No jargons. No show off of the vocabulary. No complex topic.

In fact, presenting the most simply complicated topics is our job as writers.

What’s the sense of sharing that people can’t understand in one go?

I wrote the first-hand experience of my routine with reasoning — They felt and said they’ll pick up the points to implement. That’s what matters.

The key ingredients of captivating writing

Get clarity on your content message first.

You get a direction when you know what message you’re conveying.

Then, you write an intro that’s attention-retaining.

End your writing inspiring and memorable.

Use subheadings to raise curiosity when they get only hints from there.

But this all pisses off, when there are holes in your intentions, genuineness, and mindset.

Last but not least, make your audience hero writing audience-centric because they come online to solve their problems.

Just shake ideas in your head. Think one step deeper. Access to the ideas hidden in one corner of yourself.

Play your favorite music and let the words give shape to the message you crave to deliver.

Writing is fun when you pen for the audience, not for the algorithm. Your thoughts?

Here’s the link to that Medium story for either if you desire to check out the energizing morning routine or interested in seeing its performance.

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I’m a LinkedIn personal branding strategist and copywriter. I share insights based on my experience and learning. Want to get practical LinkedIn approaches to achieve your business goals?

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