Effective UX Writing

Kesi Parker
Technical Writing is Easy
4 min readMar 1, 2019

FAQ on Technical Writing

In my previous article on this topic, I described what is UX writing and gave good and bad examples. How to write effective UX texts and not become a bad example? Read further.

First of all, let’s make some aspects clear. Many people believe that UX writing is easy and it takes a few minutes to be done because a UX writer should write a text for a small button. However, the creation of a powerful phrase can take hours.

UX writer should take into account many factors, for example, a text of a button should make it clear to user what this button does, but at the same time have a business goal. UX writing is more complex than it may seem.

Now, let’s talk about practical tips that make UX writing effective.

Think like a user. If you want to write useful text, you should be in the users’ shoes to understand where users need help. Targeting audience and knowledge of the audience needs will help you assume what hints people need.

Keep it simple. It works for many types of writing — clear microcopy helps people get the main idea quickly and guide people from one point to another. For example, have a look at Bear guide. Bear is an app for making notes. It provides a guide on how to make notes, how to publish them and the like.

However, I think every element of this guide is long. It would be better to make it shorter; clarity and simplicity are the main characteristics of effective UX writing.

Add visual content. In case of error messages or instructions, it would be great to add videos or images but remember to keep it informative and helpful for users. For example, compare these 404 pages:

Tubik Studio | Page 404 by Ernest Asanov

This page is not only beautiful but contains navigation, so you can continue browsing the website.

And here is the Google error page:

Google does nothing to help you find the page you were looking for.

Be creative. I’m sure that the above tip has shown you that writing is not only about short texts, but it also can be creative — photos, images, jokes make a good impression about your website and company. However, keep in mind that you shouldn’t let your creativity run wild.

Reflect brand voice. UX writing is closely related to a brand; that’s why you should research brand nature, values, history and the like, so your microcopy will be in perfect harmony with the brand image.

Have a look at the 404 page for Tim Laman. Tim Laman is a field biologist and wildlife photojournalist. He credits his childhood in Japan, where he had access to the mountains and oceans, for his strong interest in exploring nature, both above and below water.

Page 404 by Denys Boldyriev

And this page fits in narurally with his website.

Test the copy. You should not be self-confident in case of UX writing because your writing may seem great to you but it can be unclear to your target audience. Ask someone to use your copy, ideally, they should be your target audience but if you don’t have anyone who would match the target audience, ask your coworkers to test it.


UX writing is a direction that is definitely full of potential. And if you’re interested in this sphere, it will not be so easy to develop necessary skills and get the job. I will write more article on this topic, so subscribe to my blog not to miss new posts. Spoilers: I will gather resources and books that will help you start your career as a UX writer and improve your skills if you’re a novice.

How did I become a technical writer? What skills do you need? Read FAQ on Technical Writing.



Kesi Parker
Technical Writing is Easy

Job position: Freelance Technical Writer. Read my FAQ to learn more about me!