Events for Experienced Technical Writers

Kesi Parker
Technical Writing is Easy
3 min readMay 21, 2019

FAQ on Technical Writing

Technical writing is the sphere that requires the constant self-improvement process, and even experienced technical writers should take courses to keep up with the times. Here, in my new post, I’ve gathered events that will be useful.

American Management Association

Individuals, teams, organizations and government agencies can all benefit from the unique approach to experiential learning through doing. The AMA experience is your experience. Each solution they present is about you and your needs. In each session, the AMA team adapts the world-class curriculum to meet your individual training requirements as well as your organization’s pressing business needs. AMA courses are led by senior executives, managers, authors, course developers, and even CEOs! Their faculty adds value to every course, not only through their practical, action-oriented presentations — but also through the practical advice they offer and the opportunities throughout the seminar session for the one-on-one mentoring critical to effective learning.

AMA suggests the course called Effective Technical Writing. Who should attend it? Engineers, scientists, IT/computer personnel and people in R&D and other technical areas who wish to enhance their technical writing skills in order to better communicate with their audiences.

Write the Docs Conferences

Write the Docs Conferences are focused on documentation systems, tech writing theory, and information delivery. They consider everyone who cares about communication and documentation and their users to be a member of our community. This can be programmers, tech writers, customer support, developer advocates, marketers, and anyone else who wants people to have great experiences with software.

Their conferences create a time and a place for the global community of documentarians to share information, discuss ideas, and work together to improve the art and science of documentation.

This year, Write the Docs suggests the following events:

There you can learn much about technical writing and discuss the topics of your interests.

See the list of events from the last conference in Prague.


LavaCon started in Hawaii to help senior content professionals stay ahead of rapidly changing authoring and publishing technologies.

Our 17th annual conference focuses on how to unify content from silos across the enterprise, leverage new immersive technologies, and create stellar content experiences.

However, LavaCon is more than just a conference. It’s a gathering place where practicing industry professionals share their best practices and lessons learned, network with peers, and build professional relationships that will last for years to come.

Here is a schedule of events.

LavaCon Portland: 27–30 October 2019

See the Schedule at a Glance, check out the amazing Featured Speakers they have scheduled, and build a business case to attend. Watch video recordings of keynote and breakout sessions from the last Portland program.

Do you know other events that can be helpful? Will you attend an event from my list?



Kesi Parker
Technical Writing is Easy

Job position: Freelance Technical Writer. Read my FAQ to learn more about me!