June Technical Writing Digest

Kesi Parker
Technical Writing is Easy
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3 min readJul 3, 2023

FAQ on Technical Writing

Social Media to Promote Your Documentation

Nowadays, almost every brand has a range of accounts on different social media platforms, and the ClickHelp team, as tech writers, can’t miss a chance to look into the matter and see for ourselves whether it could be a useful tool for us to promote documentation or not.

What’s your favorite time to write?

My productive zone is the morning hours. Share your thoughts here: What’s your favorite time to write?

Chapter PDFs for API doc course

Why did Tom Johnson do this? First, no one reads a 900-page PDF, much less prints it. Tom knew this single-long PDF wasn’t ideal, but he didn’t have the code logic in place to create smaller PDFs. His first task, then, was to update the code logic to build individual chapters. This pivot wasn’t hard, but Tom will omit the explanation here because otherwise, this post will get into too many technical details. He’s planning a later tutorial on how he generates these PDFs, but basically, he’s using Prince XML. He also upgraded my Prince XML license to a commercial license so that he could sell the generated PDFs.

Optimize learning and training content through content operations (podcast)

In episode 145 of The Content Strategy Experts Podcast, Bill Swallow and Christine Cuellar discuss the impact content operations have on your learning and training content, and how to make the most out of this valuable asset.

A tech writer’s letter to software developers

Dear software developers,

You might have heard about technical writers, those mythical creatures. You might even be working with one. Whatever the case, I’d like to send you advice on how to achieve a healthy work relationship with technical writers so that you can get the best possible documentation for your product.

Technical Writer Forum

Raghuram Pandurangan launched the 1st Newsletter of Technical Writer Forum, the LinkedIn community. The intention of this newsletter is to help the inactive members get a gist of interesting discussions and updates of the group every month.

Don’t miss Write the Docs Atlantic 2023!

It will be held on September 10–12, Virtual — CEST and EDT

Write the Docs brings everyone who writes the docs together in the same room: Programmers, Tech Writers, Support, Designers, Developer Advocates, and more. We all have things to learn from each other, and there’s no better way than sitting together and talking.

How did I become a technical writer? What skills do you need? Read FAQ on Technical Writing.



Kesi Parker
Technical Writing is Easy

Job position: Freelance Technical Writer. Read my FAQ to learn more about me!