Remote Technical Writing

Kesi Parker
Technical Writing is Easy
2 min readJul 14, 2020

FAQ on Technical Writing

The pandemic shows that professionals of different spheres can work remotely, and technical writing is not an exception. However, is it possible to work remotely as a technical writer on a regular basis? You’ll find the answer in this article.

Is it possible?

It’s possible to work remotely as a technical writer not only during the pandemic. Many companies are searching for professionals for remote work. For example, on you can easily find such a vacancy. Responsibilities and requirements are the same as if you were an office worker.

What do I need to work remotely?

To work productively at home, you should think over everything carefully. For example, when I bought the right chair, my working hours became much more effective. When you work at home you can buy any chair that you want, so I bought a typical boss chair. It seemed comfortable but, in reality, I felt sleepy and tired sitting 8 hours. That’s why I bought one of those streamers’ chairs. They are created especially for people who are sitting at least 8 hours because, you know, usually streamers sit all day long and can’t take a long break. That’s why I bought such kind of chairs, and advice you to do the same. If you want to learn more tips, here are some article of mine:

However, it’s not enough. The right tools are what you really need to have. If your tech writing team uses MS Word for technical writing, it’s a big issue because you’ll have to waste your time sending your tech topics via email, searching for the right version of your project, and so on. That’s why I recommend that you use a cloud help authoring tool. For example, I use ClickHelp. It’s a browser-based documentation tool used to create online user manuals, knowledge bases, help files, FAQs, tutorials and publish them instantly in their portal. ClickHelp is easy to set up and use — no installation, runs in a web browser, and supports multiple platforms: Mac OS, Windows, and Linux. This makes it easy to author your documentation from any place in the world.

Also, you should have or get some experience with project management tools like Jira to be more productive. Buy a high-quality headset to take part in meetings.


Remote technical writing is real and many companies are searching for such professionals. However, you should get prepared carefully to make your working hours productive and effective.



Kesi Parker
Technical Writing is Easy

Job position: Freelance Technical Writer. Read my FAQ to learn more about me!