Technical Writing Digest — November

Kesi Parker
Technical Writing is Easy
3 min readNov 30, 2022

FAQ on Technical Writing

Hi! It’s time to share knowledge! Here are my November favs:

ClickHelp November 2022 Wave Update Overview

ClickHelp strives to bring its clients the best service and profit by constantly improving the platform. The Wave update of the documentation platform comprises even more features users asked and waited for. API and docs-as-code advocates will be delighted to see the new possibilities for automation and integrations.

Information Products: Definition, Types, Examples

Successful information products usually travel a long way to a hard copy version, but this is preceded by a period online when the product is developed, brought to the market, positioned, advertised, sold, reviewed, edited, republished, sold again, etc. This blog will help you understand what an information product is, how to create it, and its types and benefits.

Misconceptions about structured content (podcast)

In episode 132 of The Content Strategy Experts Podcast, Alan Pringle and guest Jo Lam of Paligo dispel misconceptions and myths about structured content.

“Science and history shows us that structured content, structured authoring, is actually very intuitive. And if I may rewind back to, say, the paleolithic era where we first started using a lot of symbols, and then eventually converting them into what we now know as letters. Understanding patterns on an extremely micro level, and that’s how we actually learn to read and write.”

— Jo Lam

Best Product Management Blogs

Check this roundup of twenty-three blogs to follow for project management insights. The blogs included are scored based on writing quality, consistency, longevity, technical depth, and usefulness.

Pulling readers through long documents

Long, high-level conceptual docs don’t command the same reading attention as task-based docs. How do you pull a reader through a long doc when the payoff isn’t a completed task, but merely a greater understanding?

An Analysis of Stack Overflow 2022 Developers Survey

For this data analysis task, the 2022 developers survey was taken into account, and based on the answers gotten from the survey question, insights were reported.

Over 70,000 developers took part in the 2022 survey.

From Nothing to Something with Minimum Viable Documentation

More and more startups and enterprises are recognizing the importance of high-quality product documentation, but it’s tough to know where to start. I’ve taken a few enterprise software products from “nothing to something” documentation and this is the framework I’ve built for myself to create MVD — minimum viable documentation.

If you’re a technical writer trying to find your footing or someone who cares about adding user documentation for your software but have no idea where to start, this is the guide for you.

What did you find interesting in November?

How did I become a technical writer? What skills do you need? Read FAQ on Technical Writing.



Kesi Parker
Technical Writing is Easy

Job position: Freelance Technical Writer. Read my FAQ to learn more about me!